我有一个可以编辑的表单视图。观点比较复杂。该表格用于合同。合同名称可以在顶部进行编辑。一份合同有很多广告,每个广告的详细信息都可以编辑。表格的长度取决于合同有多少广告。我在视图中有一个 for 循环,显示每个广告的所有表单字段。


此外,有些模型字段不需要出现在视图中,但在 POST 控制器方法中需要以正确保存数据库(我正在手动保存),因此它们必须以某种方式通过视图并且传回控制器。这是我的模型:

public class ModContract
    public int contract_id; // pk; needed
    public string contract_name { get; set; } // save
    public List<ModAds> ads { get; set; }

public class ModAds
    public int contr_ad_id; // pk; needed

    public string name { get; set; } // save

    public string print_product_id { get; set; } // used for product_name
    public string product_name { get; set; } // appear

    public string print_ad_option_id { get; set; } // save
    public string adv_product { get; set; } // appear

    public List<string> editions { get; set; } // save

    public double freq_disc { get; set; } // save
    public double other_dis_dol { get; set; } // save
    public double? other_dis_per { get; set; } // save
    public string non_cash_note { get; set; } // save
    public double non_cash_cons { get; set; } // save

后面带有“保存”注释的字段应保存到数据库中。带有“出现”的必须在视图中,但在 POST 控制器方法中不需要。POST 控制器方法中需要带有“需要”的那些,但视图中不需要。


据我所知,我不知道如何让模型绑定与它一起工作。例如,传回控制器的模型对于 ModContract 的 ads 字段有一个空值。我想知道如何在不依赖模型绑定的情况下手动将视图中的内容传递回控制器。

我知道我可能会将@Html.HiddenFor 用于POST 方法中所需的ID,但不是视图,但由于某种原因,当我使用contract_id 和_name 尝试它时,它不起作用。

<li data-role="fieldcontain">
        <label>Contract Name</label>
        @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.contract_id)
        @Html.EditorFor(m => m.contract_name)

在 POST 方法中返回的 contract_id 为 0。





@model oulookmediaweb.Models.ModContract

    ViewBag.Title = "ModifyContract";

    var num = 1;

<h2>Modify Contract</h2>

@using (Html.BeginForm("ModifyContract", "Contract", FormMethod.Post, htmlAttributes: new {      data_ajax = "false" }))
    <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">

        <li data-role="fieldcontain">
            <label>Contract Name</label>
            @Html.HiddenFor(m => m.contract_id)
            @Html.EditorFor(m => m.contract_name)


    @foreach (var ad in Model.ads)
        <div id="@num">
            <ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">
                <li data-role="list-divider">@ad.name</li>
                <li data-role="fieldcontain">
                    <label><strong>Product Name</strong></label>
                    <div id="@num-drdn0" hidden="true">@Html.DropDownListFor(m => ad.print_product_id, ViewData["products_list"] as SelectList)</div>
                    <input id="@num-editbutton" type="button" onclick="edit(@num)" value="Edit" />

                <li data-role="fieldcontain">
                    <label><strong>Advertising Product</strong></label>
                    <div id="@num-drdn1" class="hid">

                <li data-role="fieldcontain">
                    <label><strong>Editions to run in:</strong></label>
                    @foreach (var ed in ad.editions)
                    <div id="@num-drdn2" class="hid">
                        <select multiple="multiple" data-native-menu="false"></select>

                <li data-role="fieldcontain">
                    <label><strong>Frequency Discount (%)</strong></label>
                    <div>@Html.EditorFor(m => ad.freq_disc)</div>

                <li data-role="fieldcontain">
                    <label><strong>Other Discount ($)</strong></label>
                    <div>@Html.EditorFor(m => ad.other_dis_dol)</div>

                <li data-role="fieldcontain">
                    <label><strong>Other Discount (%)</strong></label>
                    <div>@Html.EditorFor(m => ad.other_dis_per)</div>

                <li data-role="fieldcontain">
                    <label><strong>Non Cash Note</strong></label>
                    <div>@Html.EditorFor(m => ad.non_cash_note)</div>

                <li data-role="fieldcontain">
                    <label><strong>Non Cash Consideration</strong></label>
                    <div>@Html.EditorFor(m => ad.non_cash_cons)</div>


<ul data-role="listview" data-inset="true">
    <li data-role="fieldcontain">
        <input type="submit" data-theme="e" value="Submit" />


<script type="text/javascript">
var nu;
window.onload = function () {
    // hide adv prods and editions select for now
    $(".hid select").closest('.ui-select').hide();

// called when the edit button for product is clicked
function edit(num) {
    nu = num;
    $("#" + nu + "-drdn0").show(); // show dropdown
    $("#" + nu + "-editbutton").closest('.ui-btn').hide(); // hide edit button; '.ui-btn'? WTF?

    // remove current product selection div
    // remove adv product selection div
    // remove editions div

    $("#" + nu + "-drdn0 select").change(prodChange); // on select change
    $("#" + nu + "-drdn0 select").trigger("change");  // trigger for default; happens twice; WHY?

// called when a magazine is selected
function prodChange() {
    // ajax
    var url = '@Url.Action("GetAdvProdList", "Contract")' + '?prod_id=' + this.value;

    $.getJSON(url, null, function (list) {
        // for adv list dropdown
        $("#" + nu + "-drdn1 select").empty(); // remove old stuff
        $("#" + nu + "-drdn1 select").closest('.ui-select').show(); // show dropdown
        var arr = list.advlist; // get the array from object

        $.each(arr, function (ind, val) {
            // add each item in list as an option of select
            $("#" + nu + "-drdn1 select").append('<option value=' + val.Value + '>' + val.Text + '</option>');
        $("#" + nu + "-drdn1 select").selectmenu('refresh', true); // refresh menu

        // for ed list
        $("#" + nu + "-drdn2 select").empty(); // remove old stuff
        $("#" + nu + "-drdn2 select").closest('.ui-select').show(); // show list
        var lis = list.edlist; // get the array from object

        $.each(lis, function (ind, val) {
            // add each item to list
            $("#" + nu + "-drdn2 select").append('<option value=' + val.Value + '>' + val.Text + '</option>');
        $("#" + nu + "-drdn2 select").selectmenu('refresh', true); // refresh menu


1 回答 1






有一些模型字段不需要出现在视图中,但在 POST 控制器方法中需要才能正确保存数据库(我手动保存)





带有“出现”的必须在视图中,但在 POST 控制器方法中不需要。


POST 控制器方法中需要带有“需要”的那些,但视图中不需要。




public class ContractViewModel {
    // start:read-only fields. 
    // These are the fields that will be used as read-only
    public string product_name { get; set; }
    public string adv_product { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<SelectListItem> PrintAdOptions { get; set; }
    // end:read-only fields.
    public InputModel Contract {get;set;}    
// you use this class to capture "all your inputs"
public class InputModel {
    public int contract_id {get;set;}
    public string contract_name { get; set; }
    public IEnumerable<InputSubModel> ads {get;set;}
public class InputSubModel {
    public int contr_ad_id {get;set;}
    public string print_ad_option_id {get;set;} // is this really a string?
    public string name {get;set;}



// method for creating a contract
public ActionResult Create() {
    // implement the ff methods, whatever method you're using ORM, plain ADO, etc.
    var product = getEntityFromYourDb();
    // you may eagerly load this (ORM) or query it separately, it's up to you
    // AdOption is a simple entity with structure: Id, Name
    IEnumerable<AdOption> adOptions = getAdOptionsFromDb();

    // map entity to model
    // I am guessing here that "product" has the following fields.
    // Just replace this accordingly based on you entities
    var model = new ContractViewModel{
        product_name = product.Name,
        adv_product = product.AdvProduct,
        PrintAdOptions = aOptions.Select(x=> 
             new SelectListItem{ Value = x.Id, Text = x.Name })     
        Contract  = getEntitiesFromDbAndMapToModel();

    // at this point you have everything you need
    // (1) a field that you can just show (and not save)
    // (2) a list of fields that you can use on a drop-down
    // (3) input fields, the ONLY ones that you will POST
    return View(model);



据我所知,我不知道如何让模型绑定与它一起工作。传回控制器的模型对于 ModContract 的 ads 字段有一个空值

永远不要在集合上使用 a foreach,因为 razor 引擎无法以您可以将其保存回来的方式正确写入它。原因是编写的元素具有相同的名称并且它们无法正确绑定(或绑定,我认为是英语中的正确单词 - 在编程中绑定:)。始终使用 a for-loop,在下面的代码中看到它。

@model ContractViewModel

<h2>Modify Contract</h2>

@Html.HiddenFor(m=>m.Contract.contract_id) // your reference Id for saving

@for(var i=0;i<Model.Contract.ads.Count();i++){
    @Html.HiddenFor(m=>m.Contract.ads[i].contr_ad_id) // your reference Id for saving
    @Html.DropdownListFor(m=>m.Contract.ads[i].print_ad_option_id, m.PrintAdOptions)


在下面给出的示例中,您会注意到我们使用了该Bind属性。这告诉控制器只绑定并获取我们的“输入”模型,即InputModel. 无需回发您不需要保存或查询等的所有其他值。因此请注意,如果您需要一个字段,请说出id您稍后将用于查询的(例如产品 ID)产品表中的产品,因为您需要将其名称保存到ModAds表中,然后将其包含在InputModel. 这样你就会有,InputModel.ProductId

public ActionResult Create([Bind(Prefix = "Contract")]InputModel model) {
    // map back the values from the flatten model into your entities
    // it could be a single entity or a complex one
    // but I'm sure you can easily determine how to do it
    // as an example:
    var modContract = getContractFromDb(model.contract_id);
    modContract.contract_name = model.contract_name;
    // do the rest of the mapping here



于 2013-04-18T03:14:36.897 回答