#define QUIZHAPE_H
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class QuizShape
//outer and inner symbols, and label
char border, inner;
string quizLabel;
//base class constructor with defaults
QuizShape(char out = '*', char in = '+', string name = "3x3 Square")
border = out;
inner = in;
quizLabel = name;
cout << "base class constructor, values set" << endl << endl;
char getBorder() const
{ return border; }
char getInner() const
{ return inner; }
string getQuizLabel() const
{ return quizLabel; }
//virtual functions to be defined later
virtual void draw( ) = 0;
virtual int getArea( ) = 0;
virtual int getPerimeter( ) = 0;
class Rectangle : public QuizShape
//height and with of a rectangle to be drawn
int height, width;
//derived class constructor
Rectangle(char out, char in, string name,
int h = 3, int w = 3):QuizShape(out, in, name)
height = h;
width = w;
cout << "derived class constructor, values set" << endl << endl;
int getHeight() const
{ return height; }
int getWidth() const
{ return width; }
virtual void draw(const Rectangle &rect1)
cout << "draw func" << endl;
cout << rect1.height << endl;
cout << rect1.getWidth() << endl;
cout << rect1.getQuizLabel() << endl;
virtual int getArea(const Rectangle &rect2)
cout << "area func" << endl;
cout << rect2.getInner() << endl;
cout << rect2.getBorder() << endl;
virtual int getPerimeter(const Rectangle &rect3)
cout << "perim func" << endl;
cout << rect3.height << endl;
cout << rect3.getWidth() << endl;
cout << rect3.getQuizLabel() << endl;
#include "QuizShape.h"
#include "QuizShape.cpp"
int main()
Rectangle r1('+', '-', "lol", 4, 5);
cout << r1.getHeight() << endl;
cout << r1.getWidth() << endl;
cout << r1.getInner() << endl;
cout << r1.getBorder() << endl;
cout << r1.getQuizLabel() << endl;
return 0;
由于 Rectangle 应该是一个抽象类,因此代码无法编译,当将鼠标悬停在 in 的声明上r1
注意:我了解以 =0; 结尾的虚函数语句。使类成为抽象类。QuizShape 应该是抽象的。我已经在 Rectangle 中定义了虚函数,但它仍然是一个抽象类。
如何修改虚函数 Rectangle 类,使 Rectangle 不再是抽象的?