我在 SSCCE 上做了足够多的工作,知道您的问题的主要部分是您对列表的头部不够小心。如果交换头节点和下一个节点,则需要更新头节点指针,否则会丢失链表的最前面。我可以肯定这只是问题的一部分[实际上是整个问题]。给定一个有效的列表,该findprev()
返回 NULL,则swapNodes()
愉快地取消对 NULL 指针的引用;碰撞!
这是您的代码的 SSCCE 版本,更新了有关修复的反向通道信息,以swapNodes()
函数原来是 C++ 风格的比较器,而不是 C 风格的比较器;也就是说,如果节点 1 在节点 2 之前,则返回 true,否则返回 false(而 C 样式的比较器返回 -1、0、+1 — 或者严格来说,负数、零、正数 — 对于小于、等于、大于)。只需修复swapNodes()
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct listNode listNode;
struct listNode
int datum;
listNode *next;
typedef int (*listNodeCompareFcn)(const listNode *n1, const listNode *n2);
//static void swapNodes(listNode *head, listNode *l1, listNode *l2);
static void swapNodes(listNode **head, listNode *l1, listNode *l2);
static listNode *findprev(listNode *head, listNode *ptr);
static int node_compare(const listNode *n1, const listNode *n2) // SSCCE
assert(n1 != 0 && n2 != 0);
printf("Compare: %2d and %2d\n", n1->datum, n2->datum);
if (n1->datum < n2->datum)
return 1;
// if (n1->datum < n2->datum)
// return -1;
// else if (n1->datum > n2->datum)
// return +1;
return 0;
static void insertionSort(listNode **listPtr, listNodeCompareFcn compare)
listNode *sorted = *listPtr;
while (sorted != NULL)
listNode *swapper = sorted->next;
listNode *prev = findprev(*listPtr, swapper);
int swapped = 0;
while (swapper != NULL && prev != NULL && swapper != *listPtr && compare(swapper, prev))
//swapNodes(*listPtr, prev, swapper);
swapNodes(listPtr, prev, swapper);
prev = findprev(*listPtr, swapper);
swapped = 1;
if (!swapped)
sorted = sorted->next;
static listNode *findprev(listNode *head, listNode *ptr)
listNode *current = head;
assert(current != 0);
while (current->next != NULL)
if (current->next == ptr)
return current;
current = current->next;
return NULL;
// Update via email
void swapNodes(listNode **listPtr, listNode *l1, listNode *l2)
listNode *prev = findprev(*listPtr, l1);
if (prev == NULL)
l1->next = l2->next;
*listPtr = l2;
l2->next = l1;
prev->next = l2;
l1->next = l2->next;
l2->next = l1;
static void swapNodes(listNode *head, listNode *l1, listNode *l2)
listNode *prev = findprev(head, l1);
prev->next = l2;
l1->next = l2->next;
l2->next = l1;
static listNode *node_insert(listNode *head, int datum) // SSCCE
listNode *node = malloc(sizeof(*node));
node->datum = datum;
node->next = head;
return node;
static void print_list(const char *tag, const listNode *list) // SSCCE
printf("%-8s", tag);
while (list != 0)
printf(" -> %2d", list->datum);
list = list->next;
int main(void) // SSCCE
static const int unsorted[] = { 29, 3, 14, 2, 91, 87, 13, 29, 1 };
enum { NUM_VALUES = sizeof(unsorted) / sizeof(unsorted[0]) };
listNode *head = 0;
print_list("Empty:", head);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_VALUES; i++)
head = node_insert(head, unsorted[i]);
print_list("Added:", head);
for (listNode *curr = head; curr != 0; curr = curr->next)
listNode *prev = findprev(head, curr);
if (prev == 0)
printf("%2d - no prior node\n", curr->datum);
printf("%2d - prior node %2d\n", curr->datum, prev->datum);
print_list("Before:", head);
insertionSort(&head, node_compare);
print_list("After:", head);
return 0;
SSCCE 的输出(包括诊断):
Added: -> 29
Added: -> 3 -> 29
Added: -> 14 -> 3 -> 29
Added: -> 2 -> 14 -> 3 -> 29
Added: -> 91 -> 2 -> 14 -> 3 -> 29
Added: -> 87 -> 91 -> 2 -> 14 -> 3 -> 29
Added: -> 13 -> 87 -> 91 -> 2 -> 14 -> 3 -> 29
Added: -> 29 -> 13 -> 87 -> 91 -> 2 -> 14 -> 3 -> 29
Added: -> 1 -> 29 -> 13 -> 87 -> 91 -> 2 -> 14 -> 3 -> 29
1 - no prior node
29 - prior node 1
13 - prior node 29
87 - prior node 13
91 - prior node 87
2 - prior node 91
14 - prior node 2
3 - prior node 14
29 - prior node 3
Before: -> 1 -> 29 -> 13 -> 87 -> 91 -> 2 -> 14 -> 3 -> 29
Compare: 29 and 1
Compare: 13 and 29
Compare: 13 and 1
Compare: 87 and 29
Compare: 91 and 87
Compare: 2 and 91
Compare: 2 and 87
Compare: 2 and 29
Compare: 2 and 13
Compare: 2 and 1
Compare: 14 and 91
Compare: 14 and 87
Compare: 14 and 29
Compare: 14 and 13
Compare: 3 and 91
Compare: 3 and 87
Compare: 3 and 29
Compare: 3 and 14
Compare: 3 and 13
Compare: 3 and 2
Compare: 29 and 91
Compare: 29 and 87
Compare: 29 and 29
After: -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 13 -> 14 -> 29 -> 29 -> 87 -> 91