Ok so I have simple cart installed ( simple javascript cart that works in conjunction with payapl)

I had someone implement simple cart, but they are no longer available.

I need a way to remove the items from my cart.

Right now, if I input a value of '0' then the items are removed, but this may not be evident to my users.

Is it possible to make a little 'remove item link per item?

please visit:


please add an item, and see the cart in the top right hand corner.

thanks in advance and hope I have been clear! let me know if you need more information.


2 回答 2



于 2013-04-18T04:36:17.160 回答

不确定您是否仍然在此,但 simplecartjs 中内置了一个非常简单的解决方案。

清空整个购物车:<a href="javascript:;" class="simpleCart_empty"></a>

删除单个项目:<a class="simpleCart_remove" href="javascript:;">Whatever Text You want</a>

还注意到您没有任何屏幕警报让用户知道在他们选择添加到购物车后东西已添加到购物车(我点击了大约 3 次才意识到它正在添加它)。:)

为此,您使用 simplecartjs 中称为 afteradd 的另一种简单方法:

    simpleCart.bind( "afterAdd" , function(){
                      .html('Added to cart successfully!')


然后,您只需要class="add-cart-msg"添加到购物车按钮旁边的东西。它会淡入,坐在那里大约 3 秒钟,然后淡出。


这是一些非常方便的参考资料:Simplecartjs 文档

于 2013-08-06T23:22:28.830 回答