#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

struct SubAlgorithm1 { void operator () (int /*i*/) { cout << "1" << endl; } };
struct SubAlgorithm2 { void operator () (int /*i*/) { cout << "2" << endl; } };

template<typename SubAlgorithm, typename Collection>
void Alrogirthm(SubAlgorithm& f, Collection& stuff) {
  // In my code f is invoked ~ 1e9 times (it's a loop that is executed ~
  // 1e6 times, and stuff.size() is ~1000). The application spends ~90% of
  // it's time in this function, so I do not want any virtual function
  // calls to slow down my number-crunching.
  for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i) for_each(stuff.begin(), stuff.end(), f);

int main(int , char**) {
  vector<int> stuff;

  bool runtime_flag = true; // let's pretend it was read from config
  if (runtime_flag) {
    typedef SubAlgorithm1 SubAlgorithm;

    SubAlgorithm sub_algorithm;
    Alrogirthm(sub_algorithm, stuff);
  else {
    typedef SubAlgorithm2 SubAlgorithm;

    SubAlgorithm sub_algorithm;
    Alrogirthm(sub_algorithm, stuff);

  return 0;

我真的很想写而不是上面的 if 子句:

TypeClass SubAlgorithm = runtime_flag : SubAlgorithm1 ? SubAlgorithm2;
SubAlgorithm sub_algorithm;
Algorithm(sub_algorithm, stuff);


PS 在我的应用程序中,算法有几个子算法作为参数,子算法也有类似的结构。而且有些子算法有不同的创建界面。使用运行时多态性,我可以使用一种工厂模式,整个事情看起来不错(http://ideone.com/YAYafr),但我真的不能在这里使用虚函数。

PPS 我怀疑问题措辞反映了我在代码中实际提出的问题,所以我很乐意得到任何建议。


2 回答 2





template<size_t Max, typename...Ts, typename Func>
bool magic_switch( int n, Func&& f,  std::tuple<Ts...> const & pick ) {
  if( n==Max-1 ) {
    return true;
  } else {
    return magic_switch<Max-1>( n, std::forward<Func>(f), pick );

在伪代码中。将 Max==0 特化为只返回 false,您可能必须将其设为仿函数,以便您可以部分特化。



#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>

// metaprogramming boilerplate:
template<template<typename>class Factory, typename SourceTuple>
struct tuple_map;
template<template<typename>class Factory, template<typename...>class L, typename... SourceTypes>
struct tuple_map<Factory, L<SourceTypes...>> {
  typedef L< Factory<SourceTypes>... > type;
template<template<typename>class Factory, typename SourceTuple>
using MapTuple = typename tuple_map<Factory, SourceTuple>::type;
template<std::size_t...> struct seq {};
template<std::size_t max, std::size_t... s>
struct make_seq: make_seq<max-1, max-1, s...> {};
template<std::size_t... s>
struct make_seq<0, s...> {
  typedef seq<s...> type;
template<std::size_t max>
using MakeSeq = typename make_seq<max>::type;

// neat little class that lets you type-erase the contents of a tuple,
// and turn it into a uniform array:
template<typename SourceTuple, typename DestType>
struct TupleToArray;
template<template<typename...>class L, typename... Ts, typename DestType>
struct TupleToArray<L<Ts...>, DestType> {
  template<std::size_t... Index>
  std::array< DestType, sizeof...(Ts) > operator()( L<Ts...> const& src, seq<Index...> ) const {
    std::array< DestType, sizeof...(Ts) > retval{ DestType( std::get<Index>(src) )... };
    return retval;

  std::array< DestType, sizeof...(Ts) > operator()( L<Ts...> const& src ) const {
    return (*this)( src, MakeSeq<sizeof...(Ts)>() );
template< typename DestType, typename SourceTuple >
auto DoTupleToArray( SourceTuple const& src )
  -> decltype( TupleToArray<SourceTuple, DestType>()( src ) )
  return TupleToArray<SourceTuple, DestType>()( src );

// Code from here on is actually specific to this problem:
struct SubAlgo { int operator()(int x) const { return x; } };
struct SubAlgo2 { int operator()(int x) const { return x+1; } };

template<typename Sub>
struct FullAlgo {
  void operator()( std::vector<int>& v ) const {
    for( auto& x:v )
      x = Sub()( x );

// a bit messy, but I think I could clean it up:
typedef std::tuple< SubAlgo, SubAlgo2 > subAlgos;
MapTuple< FullAlgo, subAlgos > fullAlgos;
typedef std::function< void(std::vector<int>&) > funcType;
std::array< funcType, 2 > fullAlgoArray =
  DoTupleToArray< funcType >( fullAlgos );

int main() {
  std::vector<int> test{1,2,3};
  fullAlgoArray[0]( test );
  for (auto&& x: test)
    std::cout << x;
  std::cout << "\n";
  fullAlgoArray[1]( test );
  for (auto&& x: test)
    std::cout << x;
  std::cout << "\n";



于 2013-04-17T18:46:32.610 回答

您应该使用一个接口,同时 SubAlgorithm1 和 SubAlgorithm2(您需要比这更好的名称)实现该接口。根据 runtime_flag 创建任一类的对象。

于 2013-04-17T18:45:33.867 回答