我有一个复杂的 SQL 语句,每次调用都需要(它用于日历视图)0.35sec。有 50 个用户和 2 周的日历项目,需要 245 秒,这太长了。我试图优化查询,但目前我不知道。
DISTINCT tax.ta_id, tax.a_id, ax.status, ax.kunden_id,
IF(ax.todo_from != '0000-00-00', DATE_FORMAT(ax.todo_from, '%d.%m'), 'k. day_date') todo_from,
IF(ax.todo_until != '0000-00-00', DATE_FORMAT(ax.todo_until, '%d.%m'), 'k. day_date') todo_until,
IF((SELECT taj.city FROM suborders taj WHERE taj.a_id = tax.a_id AND taj.order_type = 'BRING' ORDER BY pos_id ASC LIMIT 1) != '', CONCAT(IF((SELECT short_name FROM locations WHERE company_id = '100' AND h_id = tax.h_id) != '', (SELECT short_name FROM locations WHERE company_id = '100' AND h_id = tax.h_id),tax.city),'>', CONCAT((SELECT IF((SELECT short_name FROM locations WHERE company_id = '100' AND h_id = taj.h_id) != '', (SELECT short_name FROM locations WHERE company_id = '100' AND h_id = taj.h_id), taj.city) FROM suborders taj WHERE taj.a_id = tax.a_id AND taj.order_type = 'BRING' AND taj.pos_id >= tax.pos_id ORDER BY pos_id ASC LIMIT 1))), IF((SELECT short_name FROM locations WHERE company_id = '100' AND h_id = tax.h_id) != '', (SELECT short_name FROM locations WHERE company_id = '100' AND h_id = tax.h_id),tax.city)) as city,
tax.user_id, tax.day_date, tax.pos_gesamt_id, '4' as class_type
suborders tax INNER JOIN orders ax ON (ax.a_id = tax.a_id)
tax.order_type = 'TAKE' AND tax.user_id = '140' AND (tax.day_date = '2013-04-16' AND '2013-04-16' = (SELECT taj.day_date FROM suborders taj WHERE taj.a_id = tax.a_id AND taj.user_id = '140' AND taj.day_date = '2013-04-16' AND taj.user_id = '140' AND taj.order_type = 'BRING' ORDER BY pos_gesamt_id ASC)) AND tax.company_id = '100' GROUP BY tax.ta_id