I'm trying to do a reasonably simply report but I'm new to this and struggling.
I have two tables, Properties and Incidents.
In the Properties Table I have an ID, the Name of the property (Name) and Number of rooms (NoOfRooms).
In the Incidents table I have the ID, Property that it relates to(PropertyID),DateOpened, DateClosed and Status.
In the report I've managed to get it to show me the number of incidents per property and then the number of incidents closed per bed space.
However, in the summary what I want it to do is total up all of the incidents in that month, which I've done. But then divide that number by the total number of beds.
Where the problem is coming in is it's adding up all of the number of beds multiple times.
So if the data looks like this:
Property Name IncidentID No of Beds
Property1 1 100
Property1 2 100
Property2 3 200
Property2 4 200
Property2 5 200
I Have it showing:
Propery Name No Of Incidents Incidents / Bed
Property1 2 0.02
Property2 3 01015
But I can't get it to show the summary which should be:
No of Incidents Incidents / Bed
5 5/300 = 0.016666667
I have the No of incidents that's ok, it's just the final incidents / bed where it recognises there's only 300 beds and not 800.