There is a conflict between Ember.JS and CKEDITOR. The toolbar (modal windows) doesn't work if I am using Ember.js. If I try to push e.g. the paste button then I get the following error message and the window is whited out with no modal window.
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
If I remove Ember.Js then CKeditor works fine.
See a live demo of the problem on jsfiddle
This is how I'm embedding the CKEDITOR to my ember templates:
App.HTMLTextArea = Ember.TextArea.extend({
didInsertElement: function() {
var self = this;
var elementId = self.get('elementId');
var edit = CKEDITOR.replace( elementId, {
extraPlugins : 'autogrow',
autoGrow_maxHeight : 800,
// Remove the Resize plugin as it does not make sense to use it in conjunction with the AutoGrow plugin.
removePlugins : 'resize'
edit.on('blur', function(e) {
if (e.editor.checkDirty()) {
self.set('value', edit.getData() );
With this code the editor loads up fine and the Ember values are updated. It's just the toolbar buttons that are not working.
Anybody had the same problem?