好吧,我正在做的是仅获取一个 .log 文件的内容,将其存储在一个数组中,然后将其输出到多个列表框中,如下所示:
filelog_ext=".log" #log extension
#open one log file
f = open("%s\%s%s" % (path,filename,filelog_ext),"r")
#init aray
array = []
#copy contents of file to array
for line in f:
array.append( line )
#insert each array content to multilistbox
self.mlb.insert (END, ('%s' % (array[0]),'%s' % (array[1]),'%s' % (array[2]),'%s' % array[3])))
self.mlb.pack (expand=YES,fill=BOTH)
我现在要做的是获取许多 .log 文件的内容,将它们输出到数组中,然后将它们输出到多个列表框中。
for files in os.listdir("."):
if files.endswith(".log"): #this will take all my files ending with .log
#not sure how to go about and take all files ending with .log, copying them to array and saving them to the multilistbox mlb
谁能帮帮我吗 ?
更新:@john zwink 我试图整合你的代码不知道我是否以正确的方式做,但它仍然不起作用。错误是“索引列表超出范围”
path = "C:\sdmdownloads"
array = []
for filename in glob.iglob(os.path.join(path, filelog_ext)):
with open(filename) as f:
self.mlb.insert (END, ('%s' % (array[0]),'%s' % (array[1]),'%s' % (array[2]),'%s' % (array[3])))
self.mlb.pack (expand=YES,fill=BOTH)