假设我正在使用 Cucumber 开发购物车 BDD。购物车相当复杂并且有很多花里胡哨的东西,但这对于“博客”或“用户资料”可能同样适用。
Feature: Cart
So that I can buy items
As a user
I want to place items in a cart
#.... Many more scenarios
Scenario: Empty a filled cart
Given 2 products in my cart
When I visit the cart page
And I press "Empty cart"
Then I should see the text:
Your cart is empty.
Scenario: Empty an empty cart
Given 0 products in my cart
When I visit the cart page
Then I should not see the "Empty cart" button
# Many more Scenario's
Feature: Emptying Cart
So that I can reconsider my shopping-spree
As a user
I want to empty my cart
Scenario: with a filled cart
Given 2 products in my cart
When I visit the cart page
And I press "Empty cart"
Then I should see the text:
Your cart is empty.
Scenario: with an empty cart
Given 0 products in my cart
When I visit the cart page
Then I should not see the "Empty cart" button