假设我正在使用 Cucumber 开发购物车 BDD。购物车相当复杂并且有很多花里胡哨的东西,但这对于“博客”或“用户资料”可能同样适用。


Feature: Cart

  So that I can buy items
  As a user
  I want to place items in a cart

  #.... Many more scenarios

  Scenario: Empty a filled cart
    Given 2 products in my cart
    When I visit the cart page
    And I press "Empty cart"
    Then I should see the text:
      Your cart is empty.

  Scenario: Empty an empty cart
    Given 0 products in my cart
    When I visit the cart page
    Then I should not see the "Empty cart" button

  # Many more Scenario's


Feature: Emptying Cart

  So that I can reconsider my shopping-spree
  As a user
  I want to empty my cart

  Scenario: with a filled cart
    Given 2 products in my cart
    When I visit the cart page
    And I press "Empty cart"
    Then I should see the text:
      Your cart is empty.

  Scenario: with an empty cart
    Given 0 products in my cart
    When I visit the cart page
    Then I should not see the "Empty cart" button



2 回答 2




Given the cart has two products in
When I empty the cart
Then I should see it has nothing in it.

对于实际的购物车和 UI,这可能是一样的。它没有实现细节。您可以看到其中一些步骤与您的多个步骤相对应;这是一件好事,因为它将代码的复杂性保持在更易于维护的地方。


Given my cart is empty
Then I should not be able to empty it again.


但是,您真的需要这种情况吗?释放清空已经空的购物车的能力会杀死您或您的公司吗?这本质上是审美。添加它是为了使 UI 更易于使用,并且判断 UI 是否可用的唯一方法是实际使用它。如果您发现此类情况,我建议您将其删除。您始终可以对导致启用或禁用按钮的逻辑进行单元测试。



Given a user put a copy of "Moby Dick" in his cart
When the last copy of "Moby Dick" is sold
And the user comes back to look at his cart
Then it should tell him, "Sorry, this item is currently out of stock."


Given a user put a new copy of "Moby Dick" in his cart
And there are second-hand copies of "Moby Dick" available
When the last new copy of "Moby Dick" is sold
And the user comes back to look at his cart
Then it should tell him, "Sorry, this item is currently out of stock."
And it should also show the way to the second-hand copies with,
  "2nd hand copies are available."




于 2013-04-18T14:50:09.620 回答

您可以将功能分组到文件夹中,例如,您可能有一个文件夹cart,然后是 、 等的功能emtpy_cart.feature文件update_cart.feature

没有硬性规定,但我个人不会在单个功能文件中放置超过 8 个场景。

查看 Relish 自己的文档,了解如何构建功能的一个很好的例子:https ://www.relishapp.com/relish/relish

于 2013-04-17T22:33:45.960 回答