我试图通过添加 $opened = false;并进一步跟进来更改此脚本。目的是一次只允许打开一个.textwrapdiv,因此当您单击另一个 div 时,第一个会淡出,第二个会淡入。然而,我所做的只允许.textwrap单击打开一个,然后我必须单击它关闭再次点击后才能打开下一个.textwrap。我尝试交换if ( $opened == false )else ( $opened == false ),这完全改变了脚本。在此不胜感激。谢谢


    $opened = false;

        var text = $(this).find('.textwrap'),
            pic = $(this).find('.picwrap'),
            clicked = false;

        }, function(){
            if ( clicked == false ) {
            } else {
                // do nothing

        $(this).on('click', function(){
            if ( clicked == false ) {
                if ( $opened == false ) {
                    clicked = true;
                    $opened = true;
            } else {
                $(text).stop().fadeOut(150, function(){
                clicked = false;
                $opened = false;


<div id="infowrap">
    <div class="mainwrap">
        <div class="smallwrap">
            <div class="picwrap"><a href="#"><img class="pic" alt="pic1" src="img/pic1.jpg"></a></div>
            <div class="textwrap"><p>Mustache art party pug whatever mixtape, pork belly sriracha gentrify swag. Try-hard selvage butcher high life, hashtag DIY ennui.</p></div>

        <div class="smallwrap">
            <div class="picwrap"><a href="#"><img class="pic" alt="pic1" src="img/pic1.jpg"></a></div>
            <div class="textwrap"><p>Mustache art party pug whatever mixtape, pork belly sriracha gentrify swag. Try-hard selvage butcher high life, hashtag DIY ennui.</p></div>

        <div class="smallwrap">
            <div class="picwrap"><a href="#"><img class="pic" alt="pic1" src="img/pic1.jpg"></a></div>
            <div class="textwrap"><p>Mustache art party pug whatever mixtape, pork belly sriracha gentrify swag. Try-hard selvage butcher high life, hashtag DIY ennui.</p></div>

        <div class="smallwrap">
            <div class="picwrap"><a href="#"><img class="pic" alt="pic1" src="img/pic1.jpg"></a></div>
            <div class="textwrap"><p>Mustache art party pug whatever mixtape, pork belly sriracha gentrify swag. Try-hard selvage butcher high life, hashtag DIY ennui.</p></div>


#infowrap {
    background: rgba(255,255,255,0.96);
    z-index: 900;
    display: none;
    position: fixed;
    vertical-align: center;

.mainwrap {
    width: 540px;
    height: 540px;
    margin: 50px auto 0 auto;

.smallwrap {
    width: 250px;
    height: 250px;
    margin: 10px;
    float: left;
    position: relative;

.picwrap {
    width: 250px;
    height: 250px;

.pic {
    width: 250px;
    height: 250px;

.textwrap {
    width: 200px;
    height: 250px;
    position: absolute;
    display: none;

.smallwrap:nth-child(1) .textwrap {
    left: -225px;
    top: 0px;

.smallwrap:nth-child(2) .textwrap {
    right: -225px;
    top: 0px;

.smallwrap:nth-child(3) .textwrap {
    left: -225px;
    bottom: 0px;

.smallwrap:nth-child(4) .textwrap {
    right: -225px;
    bottom: 0px;

3 回答 3



我在这里创建了 jsFiddle 并提供了一个可行的解决方案


        var text = $(this).find('.textwrap'),
            pic = $(this).find('.picwrap'),
            clicked = false;

        }, function(){
            if ( !text.hasClass('isClicked')) {

        $(this).on('click', function(){          
          $('.textwrap','.smallwrap').removeClass('isClicked').stop().fadeOut(150, function(){
于 2013-04-17T11:07:42.220 回答

在 html 部分,进行此更改;

<div class="smallwrap" isopen="false">


    $('.smallwrap').each(function () {
        var text = $(this).find('.textwrap'),
            pic = $(this).find('.picwrap'),
            isopen = $(this).attr('isopen');

        $(this).hover(function () {
        }, function () {
            if (isopen == false) {
            } else {
                // do nothing

        $(this).on('click', function () {
            $('.textwrap').stop().fadeOut(150, function () { });
            $('.smallwrap').attr('isopen', 'false');

于 2013-04-17T10:47:17.733 回答


    // store $(this) for later use
    $this = $(this);
    // if you've clicked on an open item, close it
    } else {
        // if an open item exists
        if($('.opened').length != 0){
            // fade out the opened item
            $('.opened').children('.textwrap').fadeOut(200, function(){
                // fade in the item you clicked on
        } else {
            // fade in the item you clicked on

jsfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/fZkh7/(我给你的图像一个红色背景用于调试)



$('.smallwrap').hover(function () {
}, function () {
    if ($(this).hasClass('opened')) {
        // do nothing
    } else {
        // hide if it isn't already opened

    // store $(this) for later use
    $this = $(this);
    // if you've clicked on an open item, close it
    } else {
        // if an open item exists
        if($('.opened').length != 0){
            // fade out the opened item
            $('.opened').children('.textwrap').fadeOut(200, function(){
                // fade in the item you clicked on
        } else {
            // fade in the item you clicked on

jsfiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/fZkh7/1/

于 2013-04-17T11:16:44.673 回答