public void main(String[] args) {
// produce lots of int[] data which is stored inside a list of hashmaps
List<HashMap<Integer, int[]>> dataArray1 = new
ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, int[]>>();
// create a new list of data, similar to dataArray1
// now we will write into dataArray2 and read from dataArray1
List<HashMap<Integer, int[]>> dataArray2 = new
ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, int[]>>();
while (true) {
if (exitCondition) break;
for index1, index2 in a set of indices {
int[] a1 = dataArray1.get(index1).get(key1);
int[] a2 = dataArray1.get(index2).get(key2);
int[] b = intersect a1 and a2;
int i = generateIndex(index1, index2);
int key = generateKey(key1, key2);
dataArray2.get(i).put(key, b);
// now we can remove dataArray1
dataArray1 = null;
// create a new list of data, similar to dataArray2
// now we will write into dataArray3 and read from dataArray2
List<HashMap<Integer, int[]>> dataArray3 = new
ArrayList<HashMap<Integer, int[]>>();
while (true) {
if (exitCondition) break;
for index1, index2 in a set of indices {
int[] a1 = dataArray2.get(index1).get(key1);
int[] a2 = dataArray2.get(index2).get(key2);
int[] b = intersect a1 and a2;
int i = generateIndex(index1, index2);
int key = generateKey(key1, key2);
dataArray3.get(i).put(key, b);
// now we can remove dataArray2
dataArray2 = null;
// and so on 20 times
会k > 1
变得很重(比如 20 Gb),因此不可能将其存储在内存中。我可以换上int[]
解决方案是使用数据库或文件系统。你会推荐使用什么?我需要性能(时间执行),内存无所谓。如果您的经验是数据库,那么请推荐用于处理特定(哪个?)数据库的最快接口,无论是 bd4 (Berkeley db)、postgresql 还是其他。如果它说 FileSystem,那么请推荐最快的接口(文件库)。
至于读取和写入的统计信息:在我的代码的每个 while 循环中,我的3
读取次数比写入次数多,例如:对于一级 k,我从dataArray_k
我可以将每个哈希图存储List<HashMap<Integer, int[]>> dataArray1