在一个简单的猎人/猎物模拟中,我到处都遇到了奇怪的编译错误(主要是因为教授没有很好地解释继承类和虚函数的语法),我完全陷入了一个问题。Move()在这个程序中,“Creatures”(一个带有“Hunter”和“Prey”孩子的抽象类)在一个, Breed(),中的一个“Grid”类中走动Die()循环




#ifndef GRID_H
#define GRID_H

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include "Constants.h"
#include "creature.h"
using namespace std;

class Creature;

class Grid
    Creature* grid[MAX_X][MAX_Y];

    Grid() //Initalizes the grid and spawns random creatures
        for(int i = 0; i < MAX_X; i++)
            for(int j = 0; j < MAX_Y; j++)
                grid[i][j] = NULL;


    void Move() //Tells each creature on the grid to move
        //Call creature.Move() on each cell (if not NULL)

    void Breed() //Tells each creature to breed (if it can)
        //Call creature.Breed() on each cell (if not NULL)

    void Kill()  //Tells each creature to die (if it's old)
        //Call creature.Die() on each cell (if not NULL)

    char** Snapshot()  //Creates a char array "snapshot" of the board
        //Produces a 2D char array of the grid for display

    Creature* Get(Coords here)  //Returns a pointer to the object at the specified position
        return grid[here.x][here.y];

    char Occupant(Coords here) //Returns the character of the specified position
            return FACE_EMPTY;
        Creature* temp = Get(here);
        return temp->face;  //*** ERRORS APPEAR HERE ***

    void Clear(Coords here)  //Deletes the object at the specified position
            delete Get(here);
        grid[here.x][here.y] = NULL;

#endif // GRID_H


#ifndef CREATURE_H
#define CREATURE_H

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cmath>
#include <ctime>
#include "Constants.h"
#include "coords.h"
#include "grid.h"
using namespace std;

class Grid;

class Creature
    Grid* theGrid;
    Coords position;
    int stepBreed;
    int stepHunger;
    char face;

    Creature(Grid* _grid, Coords _position, char _face)  //Constructor
        theGrid = _grid;
        position = _position;
        face = _face;
        stepBreed = stepHunger = 0;

    virtual Coords Move() = 0;  //Allows the child to define it's own movement
    virtual Coords Breed() = 0;  //Allows the child to define it's own breeding
    virtual bool Starve() = 0;  //Allows the child to starve of its own accord

#endif // CREATURE_H

1 回答 1


class Creature在文件顶部的使用似乎表明您无权访问Creature此文件中的完整定义。这使得编译器无法对其进行->操作——它不知道该类的成员是什么!Creature您需要在与此代码相同的翻译单元中具有完整的定义。也就是说,Creature如果你想以这种方式使用它,需要是一个完整的类型。

编辑:感谢发帖creature.h。您的问题(如下面的评论中所述)是您有循环依赖问题。 creature.h包括grid.h,反之亦然。您需要断开其中一个链接才能正常工作。在这种情况下,删除#include "grid.h"fromcreature.h应该可以解决问题 - 没有代码creature.h依赖于Grid完整的类型。

于 2013-04-16T21:54:51.807 回答