我正在尝试使用 python 通过主成分分析 (PCA) 进行人脸识别。我正在使用pca. matplotlib这是它的文档:

类 matplotlib.mlab.PCA(a) 计算 a 的 SVD 并为 PCA 存储数据。使用 project 将数据投影到一组缩减的维度上

a: a numobservations x numdims array
a a centered unit sigma version of input a
numrows, numcols: the dimensions of a
mu : a numdims array of means of a
sigma : a numdims array of atandard deviation of a
fracs : the proportion of variance of each of the principal components
Wt : the weight vector for projecting a numdims point or array into PCA space
Y : a projected into PCA space

因子载荷在 Wt 因子中,即第一个主成分的因子载荷由 Wt[0] 给出


import os
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import glob
import numpy.linalg as linalg
from matplotlib.mlab import PCA

#Step 1: put database images into a 2D array
filenames = glob.glob('C:\\Users\\Karim\\Downloads\\att_faces\\New folder/*.pgm')
img = [Image.open(fn).convert('L').resize((90, 90)) for fn in filenames]
images = np.asarray([np.array(im).flatten() for im in img])

#Step 2: database PCA
results = PCA(images.T)
w = results.Wt

#Step 3: input image
input_image = Image.open('C:\\Users\\Karim\\Downloads\\att_faces\\1.pgm').convert('L')
input_image = np.asarray(input_image)

#Step 4: input image PCA
results_in = PCA(input_image)
w_in = results_in.Wt

#Step 5: Euclidean distance
d = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(w - w_in)**2, axis=1))


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:/Users/Karim/Desktop/Bachelor 2/New folder/matplotlib_pca.py", line 32, in <module>
    d = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.asarray(w - w_in)**2, axis=1))
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (30,30) (92,92)
  1. 谁能帮我纠正错误?
  2. 这是人脸识别的正确方法吗?

1 回答 1


该错误告诉您两个数组 (ww_in) 的大小不同,并且numpy无法弄清楚如何广播值以获取差异。


于 2013-04-16T19:08:22.567 回答