我想检索 KpiName 键(KpiData 是 kpiName 中的数组是字典键)和下面提到的我的数据结构
--Array of dictionaries inside array of dictinary
alertSeverity = 1;
customerName = TPMG;
endDate = "05-05-2013";
isProjectHide = 1;
kpiData = (
KpiName = "Change Request ";
kpiActual = 14;
kpiPlanned = "";
kpiUnit = "";
KpiName = "Aged Debit";
kpiActual = 24000;
kpiPlanned = "";
kpiUnit = EUR;
lastInvoiceDate = "05-04-2013";
nextBillingDate = "05-04-2013";
nextMilestoneDate = "10-04-2013";
nextReviewDate = "08-04-2013";
plannedCompletionDate = "04-05-2013";
projectID = 3000;
projectName = "Rain Harvesting";
projectSortType = "";
projectStatus = 1;
startDate = "01-01-2013";
我试过这个,但它返回 null
NSString *kpiName = [[[[listOfProjectsArray objectAtIndex:indexPath.row] valueForKey:@"kpiData"] objectAtIndex:0]valueForKey:@"kpiName"];
NSLog(@"kpiname:%@", kpiName);