好的,所以在测试之后,看起来 Propel 将在一个事务中执行如下代码,但不是一个数据库命中。这可能是使用 Propel 执行此操作的最有效方法,但是:
$postobj = new Post();
$postobj->setTitle("First title");
$postobj->setContent("First title");
$category_id = array(8,9,17,39)
for ($i=0,$l=sizeof($category_id); $i<$l; ++$i) {
$cp = new CategoryPost();
$postobj->save(); // this will save the Post AND the CategoryPost objects
class Post extends BasePost
public function saveAllData($data, PropelPDO $con = null) {
// might want to do some audits on input..
$this->fromArray($data); // catches most data
// add relationships
if (isset($data['categoryIds']) && is_array($data['categoryIds'])) {
for ($i=0,$l=sizeof($data['categoryIds']); $i<$l; ++$i) {
$cp = new CategoryPost();
// do the save
// NOTE: you might want to do validations first, etc
return $this->save($con);
$data = array(
"ColumnName"=>"value", // NOTE: the ColumnName must match the Propel column
$post = new Post();
$post->saveAllData($data); // careful, this could throw Exceptions