I have iOS application with UITabBarController that contains UINaviagtionController for each Tab, like on the picture below. My iOS app root controller

I also want to port my application to WindowsPhone (>=7.5).

My question is: Which UI components/services can I use to create the navigation flow like in my iOS app?


  1. About UITabController you can think like about tabs in windows enter image description here

  2. The hierarchy of controllers that painted on the picture above mean that each tab in UITabController will have own UINavigationController (in the WP terms this is NavigationService). So if you will use the navigation on one tab this will not affect to navigation on other tabs.

But as far as I know by default WP application have only one instance of NavigationService.

So actually my question is relevant to a question: Can WP application use more than one NavigationService?


1 回答 1


Windows Phone 使用稍微不同的 UI 概念。而不是使用Tab控制,你应该使用PanoramaPivot控制。前者用于在单个大页面上显示完全不同的元素时使用,后者用于显示相同数据的多个视图。这意味着Panorama用于显示不同数据的多个视图。

每当您从一个页面导航到另一个页面时NavigationService,它都会保留当前堆栈。它用作硬件后退按钮的历史记录(与 iOS 中的软件按钮不同)。


因此,如果您要从一个数据透视项目导航到某个其他应用程序页面,您将使用唯一的NavigationService. 因此,每个枢轴/全景项目使用与应用程序其余部分相同的堆栈。


于 2013-04-16T20:37:03.740 回答