我正在通过 perl 中的对象苦苦挣扎,并试图创建一个二维数组并将其存储在我的对象的哈希字段中。我知道要创建一个二维数组,我需要一个对数组的引用数组,但是当我尝试这样做时,我得到了这个错误:Type of arg 1 to push must be array (not hash element)构造函数工作正常,并且set_seqs工作正常,但是我的create_matrix子程序抛出了这些错误。


sub new {
    my ($class) = @_;
    my $self = {};
    $self->{seq1} = undef;
    $self->{seq2} = undef;
    $self->{matrix} = ();
    bless($self, $class);
    return $self;
sub set_seqs {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{seq1} = shift;
    $self->{seq2} = shift;
    print $self->{seq1};

sub create_matrix {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->set_seqs(shift, shift);
    #create the 2d array of scores
    #to create a matrix:
    #create a 2d array of length [lengthofseq1][lengthofseq2]
    for (my $i = 0; $i < length($self->{seq1}) - 1; $i++) {
        #push a new array reference onto the matrix
        #this line generates the error
        push(@$self->{matrix}, []);



3 回答 3


当您取消引用 $self 时,您会丢失一组额外的大括号。试试push @{$self->{matrix}}, []

如有疑问(如果您不确定是否在复杂的数据结构中引用正确的值),请添加更多大括号。:) 见perldoc perlreftut

于 2009-10-21T19:07:40.683 回答

Perl 是一种非常有表现力的语言。您可以使用以下语句完成所有操作。

$self->{matrix} = [ map { [ (0) x $seq2 ] } 1..$seq1 ];


$self->{matrix} = [     # we want an array reference
    map {               # create a derivative list from the list you will pass it
        [ (0) x $seq2 ] # another array reference, using the *repeat* operator 
                        # in it's list form, thus creating a list of 0's as 
                        # long as the value given by $seq2, to fill out the  
                        # reference's values.
   1..$seq1             # we're not using the indexes as anything more than  
                        # control, so, use them base-1.
];                       # a completed array of arrays.


sub make_matrix { 
    my ( $dim1, $dim2 ) = @_;
    my @table = map { [ ( 0 ) x $dim2 ] } 1..$dim1;
    return wantarray? @table : \@table;


sub multidimensional_array { 
    my $dim = shift;
    return [ ( 0 ) x $dim ] unless @_; # edge case

    my @table = map { scalar multidimensional_array( @_ ) } 1..$dim;
    return wantarray ? @table : \@table;
于 2009-10-21T19:54:48.523 回答
sub create_matrix {
    my($self,$seq1,$seq2) = @_;
    $self->set_seqs($seq2, $seq2);

    #create the 2d array of scores
    #to create a matrix:
    #create a 2d array of length [$seq1][$seq2]
    for( 1..$seq1 ){
        push @{$self->{matrix}}, [ (undef) x $seq2 ];
于 2009-10-21T19:11:37.707 回答