I'm just starting to use OpenMP and am writing a function which divides an array into numBlocks blocks and computes a histogram on every block (i.e., one histogram per block) by inspecting the blockSize elements of each block (in the code I'm providing, the histogram is recording the divisibility of the elements in the block by the integers 1 to numBuckets).

In the first omp for loop I create a thread for each block using:

#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for(uint blockNum = 0; blockNum < numBlocks; blockNum++){
    for(uint blockSubIdx = 0; blockSubIdx < blockSize; blockSubIdx++){
        uint idx = blockNum * blockSize + blockSubIdx;
        // Compute histogram here by examining array[idx]

Implementing it another way, I request threads to each operate on blockSize elements, where I have previously asserted that array.size() == numBlocks * blockSize:

#pragma omp for schedule(static, blockSize)
for(uint idx = 0; idx < array.size(); idx++){
    uint blockNum = idx / blockSize;
    // Compute histogram here by examining array[idx]

This second method does not work correctly if I increase the number of threads (using export OMP_NUM_THREADS) above some threshold (78 on my compute node)--the resulting histogram values do not match those from a serial computation.

According to https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/openMP/, it looks like the blocks of size blockSize in the second method are contiguous, so I'm not clear as to why it's failing. It seems like multiple threads are writing to the same index in the histogram, though. Is there a subtlety that I'm missing?

Here is a gist of the whole source code: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5391777.

UPDATE: The thread threshold does show some dependence on array.size(). It's not the particular value of the threshold that I'm trying to understand, but rather the existence of the threshold.


1 回答 1


It looks to me like you are trying to fuse the loop. You could try this. I don't know if that answers your question.

#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
for(uint n = 0; n < (numBlocks*blockSize); n++){
    uint blockNum = n/blockSize;
    uint blockSubIdx = n%blockSize;
    uint idx = blockNum * blockSize + blockSubIdx;
    // Compute histogram here by examining array[idx]

Also, why are you trying to increase the number of threads? Your CPU can only run a certain number of hardware threads at once. Increasing the number of threads for OpenMP I don't think is going to help performance. Why not just leave them at the default?

Lastly if computing the histogram takes different time depending on idx you might want to try schedule(dynamic) instead.

于 2013-04-16T08:58:13.260 回答