I've googled and seen conversions to List<Object>. But I think my case is different. I have the following:

public class Entry
    public string DataLogEntry { get; set; }

and used like this:

public class EndLot
    public List<Entry> Items;

So if I have list of strings ie.

List<string> EndLotLines

How can I create an instance of EndLot with this list. Am trying to:

List<Entry> Items =  (List<Entry>)EndLotLines;       

Read-Only string in settings bundle

I've added a Settings.bundle, however while displaying version numbers I'd like the fields to be read-only.

I've seen a few suggestions that say to change the type from text to title, but when I do this, the settings entry isn't displayed.

enter image description here


3 回答 3


使用 Linq 的Select方法:

var items = EndLotLines.Select(s => new Entry { DataLogEntry = s }).ToList();
于 2013-04-15T21:22:47.843 回答


Entry e = (Entry)"whatever";


Items = EndLotLines.Select(s => new Entry { DataLogEntry = s }).ToList();
于 2013-04-15T21:23:43.773 回答


var endLot = new EndLot
   Items = EndLotLines.Select(e => new Entry { DataLogEntry = e }).ToList();
于 2013-04-15T21:24:09.070 回答