我在使用 Dojo 1.8 时遇到 IE8 问题。现在我的实现(由于工作隐私问题,我无法发布)渲染了树,但我无法选择,并且从 dojo.js 中的第 15178 行 char 11 未压缩的第 15178 行收到了一个 Function Expected 错误。每当我将鼠标悬停在树中的节点上时都会触发。
while(!matchesTarget.matches(eventTarget, selector, target)){
if(eventTarget == target || children === false || !(eventTarget = eventTarget.parentNode) || eventTarget.nodeType != 1){ // intentional assignment
这在 Chrome 或 FF 中不会发生。
为了尝试调试,我尝试从标准参考代码和来自 livedocs 的代码中运行来自 dojo 的示例代码。既不能在代码玻璃和 jsfiddle 中工作,也不能在 chrome 和 FF 中工作。
这是我尝试在 IE 中运行的示例代码:
"dojo/_base/window", "dojo/store/Memory",
"dijit/tree/ObjectStoreModel", "dijit/Tree",
], function(win, Memory, ObjectStoreModel, Tree){
// Create test store, adding the getChildren() method required by ObjectStoreModel
var myStore = new Memory({
data: [
{ id: 'world', name:'The earth', type:'planet', population: '6 billion'},
{ id: 'AF', name:'Africa', type:'continent', population:'900 million', area: '30,221,532 sq km',
timezone: '-1 UTC to +4 UTC', parent: 'world'},
{ id: 'EG', name:'Egypt', type:'country', parent: 'AF' },
{ id: 'KE', name:'Kenya', type:'country', parent: 'AF' },
{ id: 'Nairobi', name:'Nairobi', type:'city', parent: 'KE' },
{ id: 'Mombasa', name:'Mombasa', type:'city', parent: 'KE' },
{ id: 'SD', name:'Sudan', type:'country', parent: 'AF' },
{ id: 'Khartoum', name:'Khartoum', type:'city', parent: 'SD' },
{ id: 'AS', name:'Asia', type:'continent', parent: 'world' },
{ id: 'CN', name:'China', type:'country', parent: 'AS' },
{ id: 'IN', name:'India', type:'country', parent: 'AS' },
{ id: 'RU', name:'Russia', type:'country', parent: 'AS' },
{ id: 'MN', name:'Mongolia', type:'country', parent: 'AS' },
{ id: 'OC', name:'Oceania', type:'continent', population:'21 million', parent: 'world'},
{ id: 'EU', name:'Europe', type:'continent', parent: 'world' },
{ id: 'DE', name:'Germany', type:'country', parent: 'EU' },
{ id: 'FR', name:'France', type:'country', parent: 'EU' },
{ id: 'ES', name:'Spain', type:'country', parent: 'EU' },
{ id: 'IT', name:'Italy', type:'country', parent: 'EU' },
{ id: 'NA', name:'North America', type:'continent', parent: 'world' },
{ id: 'SA', name:'South America', type:'continent', parent: 'world' }
getChildren: function(object){
return this.query({parent: object.id});
// Create the model
var myModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
store: myStore,
query: {id: 'world'}
// Create the Tree.
var tree = new Tree({
model: myModel