尝试新用户注册时,我收到服务器状态代码 500,并且 Heroku 中没有记录错误。这是收到的响应标头:
Connection keep-alive
Content-Length 728
Content-Type text/html; charset=utf-8
Date Mon, 15 Apr 2013 16:43:30 GMT
Server WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.2/2011-07-09)
X-Runtime 0.390617
有一个 Procfile 指定 Thin 和 Heroku 启动正常:
web: bundle exec thin start -p $PORT
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work
同样在我的 gemfile 中,我指定了 ruby '1.9.3'
2013-04-15T16:37:49.739237+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `bundle exec thin start -p 39185`
(... Removed 3 warning - DEPRECATION WARNING: You have Rails 2.3-style plugins in vendor/plugins!)
2013-04-15T16:37:55.104773+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Using rack adapter
2013-04-15T16:37:55.104773+00:00 app[web.1]: Connecting to database specified by DATABASE_URL
2013-04-15T16:37:57.202991+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Thin web server (v1.5.1 codename Straight Razor)
2013-04-15T16:37:57.202991+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Maximum connections set to 1024
2013-04-15T16:37:57.202991+00:00 app[web.1]: >> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
2013-04-15T16:37:57.931278+00:00 heroku[web.1]: State changed from starting to up
失败的不仅仅是设计。对任何非静态页面的任何调用都会失败。此外,任何静态页面的响应标头都有 Server:WEBrick/1.3.1 (Ruby/1.9.2/2011-07-09)。