- 新加坡巴尔的摩 176
- ATA 阿伦敦 1549
- 大陆桥港 915
- 新加坡伯克利 878
- 新加坡 利沃尼亚 1462
- 广达弗里蒙特 1610
- ATA 阿伦敦 1549
- 大陆桥港 915
- 广达弗里蒙特 1610
- 新加坡巴尔的摩 176
- 新加坡伯克利 878
- 新加坡 利沃尼亚 1462
int main()
Node * head = NULL;
ifstream fin("planes.txt");
string airline, destination;
int carNum;
fin >> airline >> destination >> carNum;
insertNode(airline, destination, carNum, head);
cout << endl;
return 0;
void insertNode(string value1, string value2, int value3, Node *&head)
Node * ptr = head;
if (ptr == NULL || ptr->getString1() > value1)
insertAtHead(value1, value2, value3, head);
while (ptr->getNext() != NULL && ptr->getNext()->getString1() < value1)
ptr = ptr->getNext(); // advance to next node in list
insertValue(value1, value2, value3, ptr);
void insertValue (string value1, string value2, int value,Node *afterMe)
afterMe->setNext(new Node(value1, value2, value, afterMe->getNext()));
void insertAtHead (string value1, string value2, int value3,Node *&head)
head = new Node(value1, value2, value3, head);
我将省略我的 node.h,因为它只包含函数声明和简单的访问器函数。
我当前的 insertNode 函数仅按第一个值排序。这是我的 insertNode 函数的一个变体,我尝试按第一个值和第二个值开始排序。
void insertNode(string value1, string value2, int value3, Node *&head)
Node * ptr = head;
if (ptr == NULL || ptr->getString1() > value1)
insertAtHead(value1, value2, value3, head);
while (ptr->getNext() != NULL) //Keep going as long as I am not at the end of the list
if (ptr->getNext()->getString1() < value1) //If Airline in list is smaller then the Airline I am adding
ptr = ptr->getNext(); //Move onto the next value in the list
else if (ptr->getNext()->getString1() == value1) //If Airline in list is equivalent to the Airline I am adding
if(ptr->getNext()->getString2() < value2) //The airlines matched up. How do the destinations compare?
ptr = ptr->getNext(); //If the destination in the list is less than the one I am adding, move on
insertValue(value1, value2, value3, ptr); //If one I am adding is not less than the list, add it here.
insertValue(value1, value2, value3, ptr);