我在我的 iPad 应用程序中使用 Omniture 来捕获数据。我正在使用可以从此页面下载的 ADMS 库:


库/下载包含可用于捕获数据的 TrackingHelper 类。在我的 AppDelegate 中,我调用以下方法:

 // enable omniture tracking
    [TrackingHelper configureAppMeasurement];

configureAppMeasurement 方法假设捕获生命周期指标,但它什么也不做。它只会让我成为一个独特的访客,仅此而已。有任何想法吗?


1 回答 1


You need to enable the AutoTracking of lifecycle metrics in TrackingHelper.m

In TrackingHelper.m there should be the 4 auto tracking options already included. Just uncomment the one you want to use. If they are not there, then include one of these options:

To enable only LifeCycle auto tracking (this should be the default option), use:

[measurement setAutoTrackingOptions:ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsLifecycle];

To enable LifeCycle and navigation tracking, use:

[measurement setAutoTrackingOptions:ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsLifecycle | ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsNavigation];

To enable only Navigation auto tracking, use:

[measurement setAutoTrackingOptions:ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsNavigation];

To fully disable all auto tracking, use:

[measurement setAutoTrackingOptions:ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsNone];
于 2013-04-17T16:28:03.103 回答