You need to enable the AutoTracking of lifecycle metrics in TrackingHelper.m
In TrackingHelper.m there should be the 4 auto tracking options already included. Just uncomment the one you want to use. If they are not there, then include one of these options:
To enable only LifeCycle auto tracking (this should be the default option), use:
[measurement setAutoTrackingOptions:ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsLifecycle];
To enable LifeCycle and navigation tracking, use:
[measurement setAutoTrackingOptions:ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsLifecycle | ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsNavigation];
To enable only Navigation auto tracking, use:
[measurement setAutoTrackingOptions:ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsNavigation];
To fully disable all auto tracking, use:
[measurement setAutoTrackingOptions:ADMS_AutoTrackOptionsNone];