我正在制定一个计划,每周向我们公司的每位销售员工发送提醒/更新。每周大约 120 个,自动化,在很短的时间内。这是一个内部程序,仅供内部收件人使用,我不担心垃圾邮件或不需要的消息,并且取消订阅不是一种选择。每条消息都根据每个销售人员的客户列表进行个性化,并包含每周“待办事项”项目,以便他们致电客户。

我在内部运行 Exhange 2007,并为我的开发环境和运行这些自动化项目的服务器提供了一个开放的内部 SMTP 连接器。该程序在一两家商店运行良好,但是当我为每家商店运行它时,在发送了 110 条消息后,我会在某个地方超时。


Sub doMail(ByRef MessageBody As String, ByVal nameString As String, ByVal sendTo As ArrayList, Optional ByVal markurgent As Boolean = False, _
                 Optional ByVal sendCC As ArrayList = Nothing, Optional ByVal sendBcc As ArrayList = Nothing)
        ' Setup Mail Message
        Dim oClient As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("mail_server").ToString())
        oClient.Timeout = 20000
        'oClient.Port = 50747
        Dim objMessage As New MailMessage()
        objMessage.From = New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("mail_from_address").ToString, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("mail_from_name").ToString)
        objMessage.Subject = String.Format("Weekly Hitlist Report ~ {0}", nameString)

        If (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("debugMode").ToString() = 1) Then
            Dim debugSB As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder

            For Each s As String In sendTo
                debugSB.AppendLine(String.Format("To: {0}<br>", s))
            For Each s As String In sendCC
                debugSB.AppendLine(String.Format("cc: {0}<br>", s))
            For Each s As String In sendBcc
                debugSB.AppendLine(String.Format("bcc: {0}<br>", s))
            MessageBody = String.Format("Debug Mode is Active. <br> {0} <br><hr noshade>{1}", debugSB.ToString, MessageBody)
            For Each receiver As String In sendTo
                Catch ex As Exception
                    ' do nothing
                End Try
            For Each receiver As String In sendCC.ToArray
                Catch ex As Exception
                    ' do nothing
                End Try
            For Each receiver As String In sendBcc
                Catch ex As Exception
                    ' do nothing
                End Try
        End If

        objMessage.Body = MessageBody
        objMessage.Priority = IIf(markurgent, MailPriority.High, MailPriority.Normal)
        objMessage.IsBodyHtml = True
        oClient = Nothing
        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{1} - message sent - {0} ", nameString, Now()))
    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

我试图将客户端超时时间增加到 20 秒,并且我明确地尝试在每条消息之后通过将其设置为空来关闭与邮件服务器的客户端连接。


在我收到错误(连接超时)并且系统恢复后,我会收到在异常之后并且仅在程序终止之后发送的任何消息。在 .NET 的早期版本中,我知道程序必须退出或线程必须在发送消息之前结束,但是我要进行的其他程序在 .NET 4 中通常不再有这个。


 4/15/2013 9:46:36 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:46:41 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:46:46 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:46:51 AM - message sent - Store 14 Unassigned
 4/15/2013 9:46:56 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:47:01 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:47:06 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:47:11 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:47:16 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:47:21 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:47:26 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:47:31 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:47:36 AM - message sent - 
 4/15/2013 9:47:41 AM - message sent - 
 Service not available, closing transmission channel. The server response was: 4.4.1 Connection timed out
    at System.Net.Mail.MailCommand.CheckResponse(SmtpStatusCode statusCode, String response)
    at System.Net.Mail.MailCommand.Send(SmtpConnection conn, Byte[] command, String from)
    at System.Net.Mail.SmtpTransport.SendMail(MailAddress sender, MailAddressCollection recipients, String deliveryNotify, SmtpFailedRecipientException& exception)
    at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(MailMessage message)
    at HitListRunner_Main.Module1.doMail(String& MessageBody, String nameString, ArrayList sendTo, Boolean markurgent, ArrayList sendCC, ArrayList sendBcc) in C:\Users\markl\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\HitListRunner\HitListRunner-Main\Module1.vb:line 391
 4/15/2013 9:47:46 AM - message sent - Store 20 Unassigned
 4/15/2013 9:47:51 AM - message sent - Store 98 Unassigned
 4/15/2013 9:47:58 AM - message sent - !! - UNDETERMINED LIST - !!
 ending - enter to exit


我在 Exchange 中没有看到任何禁止此操作的内容,也没有看到高消息队列等待。关于发送消息的不同方法或其他尝试的任何建议?(我宁愿不使用第 3 方 dll 或外部组件)。


1 回答 1


我经历过这个问题的痛苦。经过 2 年的研究,我无法确定我的 .net 应用程序问题的确切原因。有许多问题和实施选项将有助于最大限度地减少此异常的影响。我们现在处于这个问题不会以明显的方式影响最终用户的地步。

  1. 您需要确保在 *.config 中设置了一些 SMTP 配置变量,以帮助调整应用程序以适应您的环境。SMTP 客户端超时、重试尝试、重试之间的时间等。我们发现尝试之间大约有 20 秒,在完全停止工作之前大约有 5 次尝试。
  2. 您将需要实现一个日志记录机制来记录它们发生的时间和频率,因此您可以设置上面的变量。我一直在寻找来自机器和服务器事件日志的电子邮件量、一天中的时间、服务包安装、病毒检查器或防火墙干扰,以尝试找出原因。
  3. 实施非Blockingcollection来管理所有电子邮件的发送,因为如果您通过代码发送大量电子邮件,您将遇到 SMTP 4.4.1 超时错误。这是一个生产者消费者模式,我发现这是一个相对容易实现的实现,并且在这个问题上非常成功。队列允许您确保最终将发送电子邮件。如果你想要一个完整的故障保护,你也可以将该队列持久化到磁盘。我们永远不需要回到那段代码。
  4. 在没有第三方工具的情况下,伪造或模拟 .net SMTP 实现来对该问题的代码进行单元测试并不容易。我没有走这条路,因为归根结底有太多我无法控制的部分。基本上我只是假设它总是会失败,并且我放置了很多后备选项来等待问题自行解决。

我们尝试过的事情似乎对 4.4.1 超时异常的频率没有影响。

  1. 限制电子邮件发送到交换的速率。
  2. 更改他们发送的时间(又名下班时间)
  3. 将电子邮件分批成小块,然后通过垃圾收集从内存中清除所有 .net 组件。



''' <summary>
''' Provide a mechanism to throttle the subsequent attempts to send emails.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="emailAddress"></param>
''' <param name="attemptNumber"></param>
''' <remarks>Need to implement a more dynamic function as attempts persist, pause for longer for a number of attempt, then add the email to a failed queue.</remarks>
Private Shared Sub RestBeforeSendingAgain(ByVal emailAddress As String, ByVal attemptNumber As Integer)

    If attemptNumber > 1 Then

        '   Wait 30 seconds in between every attempt, or the value configured in the config file.
        Dim retryIntervalInSeconds As Integer = 30
        If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("SMTPFailureReTryIntervalInSeconds")) Then
            Integer.TryParse(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Item("SMTPFailureReTryIntervalInSeconds"), retryIntervalInSeconds)
        End If
        logger.Warn("Problem emailing {0}. Waiting {1} seconds to help clear technical issues.", emailAddress, retryIntervalInSeconds.ToString)

    End If
End Sub

    ''' <summary>
''' Attempt to send an email message and record any issues with that mailmessage to the application log.
''' Allows the process to know the success or failure of that approach.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="mailClient"></param>
''' <param name="mailMessage"></param>
''' <param name="attemptNumber"></param>
''' <returns>The success or failure of the SMTP server to send the message without causing an error.</returns>
''' <remarks></remarks>
Private Shared Function AttemptToSendEmail(ByRef mailClient As System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient, ByRef mailMessage As MailMessage, ByVal attemptNumber As Integer) As Boolean
    Dim result As Boolean = False
        logger.Trace("Started: AttemptToSendEmail", attemptNumber)

        RestBeforeSendingAgain(mailMessage.To.ToString, attemptNumber)
        result = True

    Catch smtpEx As SmtpException
        result = False
        logger.ErrorException(String.Format("{3}{1}{0}{1}{2}", ExceptionFormater.FormatException(smtpEx), Environment.NewLine, ExceptionFormater.FormatStack(smtpEx), "AttemptToSendEmail failed with Smtp exception."), smtpEx)

    Catch ex As Exception
        result = False
        logger.ErrorException(String.Format("{3}{1}{0}{1}{2}", ExceptionFormater.FormatException(ex), Environment.NewLine, ExceptionFormater.FormatStack(ex), "AttemptToSendEmail failed with generic exception."), ex)


        If result Then
            logger.Trace("Succeeded: To email {0} on attempt {1}.", mailMessage.To.ToString, attemptNumber)
            logger.Warn("Failed: To email {0} on attempt {1}.", mailMessage.To.ToString, attemptNumber)
        End If

    End Try

    Return result

End Function

'   Configure the timeout in milliseconds from the App.Config file.
'   200 seconds = 200,000 miliseconds
MySmtpClient.Timeout = CInt(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(SmtpClientTimeoutSeconds).TotalMilliseconds)
于 2014-08-04T12:06:44.927 回答