I thaught that using await / async is the best Idea to ensure a responsive UI. But I seem to do something wrong, because my Application freezes anyway.
Wht I Try to do: A Button is launched and should await a long lasting operation.
public async Task CmdLoadExcel()
// läd die excel datei
string[] excelFiles = this.GetExcelFiles();
ExcelLoader eloader = new ExcelLoader();
await eloader.StartLoading(excelFiles);
foreach (DataSet elem in eloader.Tables)
this.ActivateItem(new ExcelViewModel(elem) { DisplayName = elem.DataSetName });
The launched Class:
public async Task StartLoading(string[] files)
foreach (string file in files)
Stopwatch swatch = new Stopwatch();
FileInfo finfo = new FileInfo(file);
using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(finfo))
// very long operation
} // For Each
} // StartLoading
It simply halts at the sleep and I am unsure what I have done wrong.