我有一个相当小的 MRP 应用程序,它由销售订单簿、材料清单和材料资源计划报告组成。

销售订单簿只是项目、数量和到期日的列表。物料清单是每个项目、该项目的子组件和数量的平面列表,如下所示:[ParentItemID] [ComponentItemID] [Qty]



MRP 报告在功能上运行良好,但是运行大约需要 90 秒,这显然让我的用户感到沮丧。我目前正在使用队列来存储数据,我的整个代码如下所示:

    public void MRPCalcBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Calculate MRP Report
    //kick off a timer
    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

    //Flip the panels to hide the button
    panel1.Visible = false;
    panel2.Visible = true;
    Page.Title = "MRP Report"; //set the title so we can tell if it's finished from the task bar

    //Create DataTable to hold items
    var dt = new DataTable();

    dt.Columns.Add("ItemID", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dt.Columns.Add("QtyIn", System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
    dt.Columns.Add("QtyOut", System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
    dt.Columns.Add("DueDate", System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));

    var db = new CS3Entities(); // should these be calls to DAL?

    //read orderbook in
    var orderBook = (from ob in db.SalesOrderItems
                     where ob.QtyOutstanding > 0
                     //where ob.ItemID == "9783B" //whilst testing, remove in production
                     select new { ob.ItemID, ob.QtyOutstanding, ob.DueDate });

    //create a queue to store temporary work, the line items are Orders
    var q1 = new Queue<OrderItem>();

    foreach (var item in orderBook) //loop through the order book
        //Copy order book to queue to start off with
        var orderBookArray = new OrderItem
                                     ItemID = item.ItemID,
                                     QtyIn = 0,
                                     QtyOut = item.QtyOutstanding,
                                     DueDate = item.DueDate

        q1.Enqueue(orderBookArray); //adds line item to queue

    //start calculating the BoM items
        do //main working loop
            var testItem = q1.Peek(); //pull out next line item in queue

            var testItemID = testItem.ItemID; //pull out ItemID from line item
            var testQty = testItem.QtyOut; //pull out Qty from line item
            var testDueDate = testItem.DueDate; //pull out ItemID from line item

            //determines Bill OF Materials for each item
            var bills = (
                    from b in db.BillOfMaterials
                    where b.ItemID == testItemID
                    select new { b.ComponentItemID, b.Qty }

            if (bills.Any()) //if line item has any sub components
                //add each sub comopnent to the queue
                foreach (var bill in bills)
                    var bomArray = new OrderItem
                                           ItemID = bill.ComponentItemID,
                                           QtyOut = bill.Qty*testQty,
                                           QtyIn = 0,
                                           DueDate = testDueDate


                q1.Dequeue(); //Remove item from queue after all sub components have been added
            else //if no items in Bill Of Materials, must be "leaf" component, add it to "final" table
                AddToItems(dt, testItemID, 0, testQty, testDueDate); //add item to data table as QtyOut
                q1.Dequeue(); //Remove item from queue

        } while (q1.Count != 0); //end of do loop, until queue is empty
        ErrorLbl.Text = "ERROR"; //if something goes wrong

    //Queue should now be empty and DataTable dt holds all final items for purchase

    //read purchase orders in
    var purchaseOrderItems = (from poi in db.PurchaseOrderItems
                              join po in db.PurchaseOrders on poi.PurchaseOrderID equals po.PurchaseOrderID
                              where po.PurchaseOrderCancelled != true && 
                                    po.PurchaseOrderDeleted != true && 
                                    poi.Balance > 0 && 
                                    poi.LineItemComplete != true

                              orderby poi.DueDate ascending 

                              select new { poi.ItemID, poi.Balance, poi.DueDate }).ToList(); //Is a list faster than the database calls?

    foreach (var item in purchaseOrderItems) //loop through the purchase orders and append them to the temp table
        //add purchase order items to data table as QtyIn
        AddToItems(dt, item.ItemID, Convert.ToDecimal(item.Balance), 0, Convert.ToDateTime(item.DueDate));

    //Sort and group the raw data
    var sorteditems = //sort and group the data table to show sum of qty per day per item
        (from p in dt.AsEnumerable()
        orderby p.Field<string>("ItemID") , p.Field<DateTime>("DueDate")
        group p by new {ItemID = p.Field<string>("ItemID"), DueDate = p.Field<DateTime>("DueDate")}
        into g

        select new
                       QtyIn = g.Sum(p => p.Field<decimal>("QtyIn")),
                       QtyOut = g.Sum(p => p.Field<decimal>("QtyOut"))

    //Create second DataTable to hold sorted and grouped report items
    //tried to use same datatable dt but it didn't work, no hardship to instantiate another
    var dt2 = new DataTable();

    dt2.Columns.Add("ItemID", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dt2.Columns.Add("QtyIn", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
    dt2.Columns.Add("QtyOut", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
    dt2.Columns.Add("DueDate", Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));

    foreach (var item in sorteditems) //loop through the sorted results
        //Move the sorted and grouped items into the datatable
        AddToItems(dt2, item.ItemID, Convert.ToDecimal(item.QtyIn), Convert.ToDecimal(item.QtyOut), Convert.ToDateTime(item.DueDate));

    Session["MRPTable"] = dt2; //save datatable to session for recall later by repeater

    //Set repeater datasource to unique item list with details
    var itemslist = from si in sorteditems
                    group si by new { si.ItemID } into sig //equivilent to DISTINCT

                    join i in db.Items
                    on sig.Key.ItemID equals i.ItemID

                    select new

    Repeater1.DataSource = itemslist; //note repeater contains a GridView that contains the line items
    Repeater1.DataBind(); //Fire the repeater

    //time finished
    DateTime finishTime = DateTime.Now;

    //Set the start time label
    TimeStart.Text = startTime.TimeOfDay.ToString();

    //Set finish time
    TimeFinish.Text = finishTime.TimeOfDay.ToString();

    TimeTaken.Text = (finishTime - startTime).Minutes.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " Minute(s), " + (finishTime - startTime).Seconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " Seconds";

    //Add to activity log
    ActivityDAL.AddNewLog("MRP Report", "Generated", TimeTaken.Text, "N/A", HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);






2 回答 2

var bills = (from b in db.BillOfMaterials
             where b.ItemID == testItemID
             select new { b.ComponentItemID, b.Qty });

上面的代码应该在 do {} while() 循环之外,否则 db.BillOfMaterials 将在 while 循环运行时循环多次

public void MRPCalcBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Calculate MRP Report
    //kick off a timer
    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

    //Flip the panels to hide the button
    panel1.Visible = false;
    panel2.Visible = true;
    Page.Title = "MRP Report"; //set the title so we can tell if it's finished from the task bar

    //Create DataTable to hold items
    var dt = new DataTable();

    dt.Columns.Add("ItemID", System.Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dt.Columns.Add("QtyIn", System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
    dt.Columns.Add("QtyOut", System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
    dt.Columns.Add("DueDate", System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));

    var db = new CS3Entities(); // should these be calls to DAL?

    //read orderbook in
    var orderBook = (from ob in db.SalesOrderItems
                     where ob.QtyOutstanding > 0
                     //where ob.ItemID == "9783B" //whilst testing, remove in production
                     select new OrderItem
                                     ItemID = ob.ItemID,
                                     QtyIn = 0,
                                     QtyOut = ob.QtyOutstanding,
                                     DueDate = ob.DueDate

    //create a queue to store temporary work, the line items are Orders
    var q1 = new Queue<OrderItem>();

    foreach (var item in orderBook) //loop through the order 
        q1.Enqueue(orderBookArray); //adds line item to queue

    //determines Bill OF Materials for each item
    var billDict = db.BillOfMaterials.
                   GroupBy(b => b.ItemID).
                       g => g.Key, 
                       g => g.Select(b => new { b.ComponentItemID, b.Qty }).ToList()

    //start calculating the BoM items
        do //main working loop
            var testItem = q1.Peek(); //pull out next line item in queue

            var testItemID = testItem.ItemID; //pull out ItemID from line item
            var testQty = testItem.QtyOut; //pull out Qty from line item
            var testDueDate = testItem.DueDate; //pull out ItemID from line item

            if (billDict.ContainsKey(testItemID)) //if line item has any sub components
                var bills = billDict[testItemID];
                //add each sub comopnent to the queue
                foreach (var bill in bills)
                    var bomArray = new OrderItem
                                           ItemID = bill.ComponentItemID,
                                           QtyOut = bill.Qty*testQty,
                                           QtyIn = 0,
                                           DueDate = testDueDate

            else //if no items in Bill Of Materials, must be "leaf" component, add it to "final" table
                AddToItems(dt, testItemID, 0, testQty, testDueDate); //add item to data table as QtyOut

            q1.Dequeue(); //Remove item from queue

        } while (q1.Count != 0); //end of do loop, until queue is empty
        ErrorLbl.Text = "ERROR"; //if something goes wrong

    //Queue should now be empty and DataTable dt holds all final items for purchase

    //read purchase orders in
    var purchaseOrderItems = (from poi in db.PurchaseOrderItems
                              join po in db.PurchaseOrders on poi.PurchaseOrderID equals po.PurchaseOrderID
                              where po.PurchaseOrderCancelled != true && 
                                    po.PurchaseOrderDeleted != true && 
                                    poi.Balance > 0 && 
                                    poi.LineItemComplete != true

                              orderby poi.DueDate ascending 

                              select new { poi.ItemID, poi.Balance, poi.DueDate }).ToList(); //Is a list faster than the database calls?

    foreach (var item in purchaseOrderItems) //loop through the purchase orders and append them to the temp table
        //add purchase order items to data table as QtyIn
        AddToItems(dt, item.ItemID, Convert.ToDecimal(item.Balance), 0, Convert.ToDateTime(item.DueDate));

    //Sort and group the raw data
    var sorteditems = //sort and group the data table to show sum of qty per day per item
        (from p in dt.AsEnumerable()
        orderby p.Field<string>("ItemID") , p.Field<DateTime>("DueDate")
        group p by new {ItemID = p.Field<string>("ItemID"), DueDate = p.Field<DateTime>("DueDate")}
        into g

        select new
                       QtyIn = g.Sum(p => p.Field<decimal>("QtyIn")),
                       QtyOut = g.Sum(p => p.Field<decimal>("QtyOut"))

    //Create second DataTable to hold sorted and grouped report items
    //tried to use same datatable dt but it didn't work, no hardship to instantiate another
    var dt2 = new DataTable();

    dt2.Columns.Add("ItemID", Type.GetType("System.String"));
    dt2.Columns.Add("QtyIn", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
    dt2.Columns.Add("QtyOut", Type.GetType("System.Decimal"));
    dt2.Columns.Add("DueDate", Type.GetType("System.DateTime"));

    foreach (var item in sorteditems) //loop through the sorted results
        //Move the sorted and grouped items into the datatable
        AddToItems(dt2, item.ItemID, Convert.ToDecimal(item.QtyIn), Convert.ToDecimal(item.QtyOut), Convert.ToDateTime(item.DueDate));

    Session["MRPTable"] = dt2; //save datatable to session for recall later by repeater

    //Set repeater datasource to unique item list with details
    var itemslist = from si in sorteditems
                    group si by new { si.ItemID } into sig //equivilent to DISTINCT

                    join i in db.Items
                    on sig.Key.ItemID equals i.ItemID

                    select new

    Repeater1.DataSource = itemslist; //note repeater contains a GridView that contains the line items
    Repeater1.DataBind(); //Fire the repeater

    //time finished
    DateTime finishTime = DateTime.Now;

    //Set the start time label
    TimeStart.Text = startTime.TimeOfDay.ToString();

    //Set finish time
    TimeFinish.Text = finishTime.TimeOfDay.ToString();

    TimeTaken.Text = (finishTime - startTime).Minutes.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " Minute(s), " + (finishTime - startTime).Seconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " Seconds";

    //Add to activity log
    ActivityDAL.AddNewLog("MRP Report", "Generated", TimeTaken.Text, "N/A", HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name);

于 2013-04-15T13:01:50.980 回答

找到了这个问题的答案,修复了一个错误的加入并将报告从 90 秒减少到 5 秒

于 2013-04-15T15:46:21.227 回答