您必须将 Java 对象引用数组转换为cv::Mat
. 由于您有一种方法可以获取本机对象的地址,所以这很简单。您在 java 端创建一个本机方法:
public class MyClass {
private Mat mRgba;
private Mat[] bufImgs = new Mat[7];
// set the fields and all...
// ...
// Call the native method
private native int callNativeCode();
然后在 C/C++ 端,你可以callNativeCode
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_MyClass_callNativeCode(::JNIEnv* env, jobject thisobject)
// Find the required classes
jclass thisclass = env->GetObjectClass(thisobject);
jclass matclass = env->FindClass("org/opencv/core/Mat");
// Get methods and fields
jmethodID getPtrMethod = env->GetMethodID(matclass, "getNativeObjAddr", "()J");
jfieldID mrgbafieldid = env->GetFieldID(thisclass, "mRgba", "Lorg/opencv/core/Mat;");
jfieldID bufimgsfieldid = env->GetFieldID(thisclass, "bufImgs", "[Lorg/opencv/core/Mat;");
// Let's start: Get the fields
jobject mrgba = env->GetObjectField(thisobject, mrgbafieldid);
jobjectArray bufimgsArray = (jobjectArray)env->GetObjectField(thisobject, bufimgsfieldid);
// Convert the array
cv::Mat nativeBufImgs[7];
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
nativeBufImgs[i] = *(cv::Mat*)env->CallLongMethod(env->GetObjectArrayElement(bufimgsArray, i), getPtrMethod);
// Get the address for mRgba
cv::Mat* mrgbaptr = (cv::Mat*)env->CallLongMethod(mrgba, getPtrMethod);
// We're done! Call the method and return!
return nativeCode(mrgbaptr, nativeBufImgs);