在此基础上,我分别将 ldpi、mdpi、hdpi 和 xhdpi 的 PTM 比率乘以 0.75、1、1.5、2.0。
我也在相应地改变精灵的比例。对于定位,我将 320X480 作为我的基础,然后将其乘以我当前的 x 和 y (以像素为单位)与我的基础像素的比率。
public class MainLayer extends CCLayer()
CGsize size; //this is where we hold the size of current display
float scaleX,scaleY;//these are the ratios that we need to compute
public MainLayer()
size = CCDirector.sharedDirector().winSize();
scaleX = size.width/480f;//assuming that all my assets are available for a 320X480(landscape) resolution;
scaleY = size.height/320f;
CCSprite somesprite = CCSprite.sprite("some.png");
//if you want to set scale without maintaining the aspect ratio of Sprite
//to set position that is same for every resolution
somesprite.setPosition(80f*scaleX,250f*scaleY);//these positions are according to 320X480 resolution.
//if you want to maintain the aspect ratio Sprite then instead up above scale like this
public float aspect_Scale(CCSprite sprite, float scaleX , float scaleY)
float sourcewidth = sprite.getContentSize().width;
float sourceheight = sprite.getContentSize().height;
float targetwidth = sourcewidth*scaleX;
float targetheight = sourceheight*scaleY;
float scalex = (float)targetwidth/sourcewidth;
float scaley = (float)targetheight/sourceheight;
return Math.min(scalex,scaley);