两个月前,我开始在 Excel 2010 中开发一个宏,目的是协调两组不同的信息。我在一个月前搁置了这个项目,此时宏可以毫无怨言地浏览每一行信息。
几天前我恢复了我的项目工作,我实现了一些非常小的使用长数组来包含满足特定条件的行的位置。现在,这导致了每次尝试运行宏时都让 Excel 挂在我身上的令人毛骨悚然的体验。只要我不做得太快,单步执行代码就可以毫无问题地完成,但是第二次我让它自己运行它就会崩溃。状态栏更新是主循环的一部分,它告诉我宏在停止响应之前设法处理了大约 1% 的行。
这是一个令人难以置信的令人沮丧的问题,因为它 - 据我所知 - 根本不应该发生,并且必须是由于在处理大量数据时对 Excel 施加的一些限制。也许它将我的循环解释为无限循环?
有一个贯穿两个数据集之一的总体循环,它包含第二个循环,该循环贯穿第二个数据集的相对较小部分以查找匹配项。在崩溃开始发生之前,该宏能够处理大约是我现在使用的数据集大小的 11 倍的数据集。将数据集的当前大小减少到上述默认值的 10% 左右仍会导致宏使 Excel 挂起,但有趣的是,它设法处理了 11% 的数据。从中得出的明智结论是,数据集中某处的实际数据以某种方式导致 Excel 挂起,但是 1):如果是这种情况,我会收到一条错误消息,以及 2)检查数据集大约构成 1% 的人并没有导致任何非凡的发现。
这是有问题的子程序: http: //pastebin.com/ywacHTVN
我一直想知道是否将其拆分为几个子程序会使 Excel 更易于消化,从而解决我的问题?如果是这种情况,如果有人可以向我解释原因,我将不胜感激。
我想我应该提到一些重要的事情:在我实现对数组的少量使用之前,我之前写过宏能够毫无问题地处理比当前数据大 11 倍的数据集。但这只是在我添加了 DoEvents 的常规执行之后——每次状态栏更新时;在此之前,Excel 会像现在一样挂起。
Sub MainRecon()
Dim row_MSPS As Long, row_FPMS As Long, rowStart_FPMS As Long, rowEnd_FPMS As Long, row_FPMS_lastMatch As Long
Dim row_midFPMS As Long, row_midMSPS As Long, IMO_Number As Long, size_MSPS As Long, row_MSPS_next As Long
Dim n_matches As Integer, I_sup As Integer, temp_FPMS_Row As Long
Dim match_Array() As Long
Dim supreme_match_Array() As Long: ReDim supreme_match_Array(30)
Dim IMO_FPMS_Pos_Array() As Long: ReDim IMO_FPMS_Pos_Array(30)
Dim row_first_FPMS As Integer, I As Integer, IMO_matches As Integer, supreme_Size As Integer
Dim order_no_FPMS As String
Dim match As Boolean, quantity_MSPS As Boolean, IMO_next_match As Boolean, stock_update As Boolean
Dim MSPS_duplicate As Boolean, FPMS_noMatches As Boolean, empty_FPMS As Boolean
Dim deliveryDate_MSPS As Date, deliveryDate_FPMS As Date, deliveryDate_MSPS_next As Date
row_MSPS = 2
row_FPMS = 2
row_midFPMS = 3
row_midMSPS = 3
size_MSPS = 2
'Index for supreme match array.
I_sup = 0
Do While MSPS_RawWS.Cells(size_MSPS, 1) <> ""
size_MSPS = size_MSPS + 1
Do While MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 1) <> "" 'Stops at the end of the records
'Boolean variables defined
empty_FPMS = False
match = False
quantity_MSPS = False
IMO_next_match = False
stock_update = False
FPMS_noMatches = False
If IsNumeric(Left(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 7), 2)) = True _
And IsNumeric(Mid(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 7), 4, 2)) = True _
And IsNumeric(Mid(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 7), 7, 4)) = True Then 'Confirms date format DD-MM-YYYY of 'Time for Bunker' of MSPS
'Crew updated stock by reporting a new delivery instead of following proper procedure.
'Stock-Delivery difference smaller than 60 will be picked up as a stock update
'as well as delivery quantities under 10 [mt]
If ((60 > Abs(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 6) - MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 8)) And _
Abs(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 6) - MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 8)) >= 0) Or (0 < MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 8) And MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 8) <= 10)) And _
(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 6) + MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 8) > 0) Then
MSPS_RawWS.Range("A" & row_MSPS, "H" & row_MSPS).Copy
mid_ReportWS.Cells(row_midMSPS, 11).PasteSpecial
mid_ReportWS.Cells(row_midMSPS, 9) = "Error 40. Updated stock reported as delivery."
row_midMSPS = row_midMSPS + 1
row_midFPMS = row_midFPMS + 1
Call UpdateProgress("", 4, row_MSPS, size_MSPS)
Else 'Proceed if it passes the stock update check
Call UpdateProgress("", 4, row_MSPS, size_MSPS)
quantity_MSPS = False
If MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 8) > 0 Then 'If MSPS quantity is above 0, proceed
quantity_MSPS = True
If IsNumeric(Left(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 7), 2)) = True _
And IsNumeric(Mid(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 7), 4, 2)) = True _
And IsNumeric(Mid(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 7), 7, 4)) = True Then 'Confirms date format DD-MM-YYYY
deliveryDate_MSPS = Left(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 7), 10) 'Cuts away HH:MM:SS
IMO_Number = MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 2)
'Finds the next MSPS record with quantity and date.
row_MSPS_next = row_MSPS + 1
Do While (MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 7) = "" Or Not MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 8) > 0) And row_MSPS_next <= size_MSPS _
And Not (IsNumeric(Left(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 7), 2)) = True _
And IsNumeric(Mid(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 7), 4, 2)) = True _
And IsNumeric(Mid(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 7), 7, 4)) = True)
row_MSPS_next = row_MSPS_next + 1
'Checks if the next MSPS record has an IMO that matches the current one, and gets the date of the next record
IMO_next_match = False
If IMO_Number = MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 2) And (IsNumeric(Left(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 7), 2)) = True _
And IsNumeric(Mid(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 7), 4, 2)) = True _
And IsNumeric(Mid(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 7), 7, 4)) = True) And MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 8) > 0 Then
deliveryDate_MSPS_next = Left(MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 7), 10)
IMO_next_match = True
End If
'Checks if the MSPS record is a duplicate
If IMO_next_match = True And deliveryDate_MSPS = deliveryDate_MSPS_next And _
MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS, 8) = MSPS_RawWS.Cells(row_MSPS_next, 8) Then
MSPS_RawWS.Range("A" & row_MSPS, "H" & row_MSPS).Copy
mid_ReportWS.Cells(row_midMSPS, 11).Paste
mid_ReportWS.Cells(row_midMSPS, 9) = "Duplicate entry."
row_midMSPS = row_midMSPS + 1
row_midFPMS = row_midFPMS + 1
Call UpdateProgress("", 4, row_MSPS, size_MSPS)
row_MSPS = row_MSPS + 1
'Proceed prematurely to the next iteration in the all-encompassing 'Do While'-loop
'if the current MSPS-record is a duplicate
GoTo MainProcedure
End If
match = False
row_first_FPMS = 0
Do While IsEmpty(FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 1)) = False And (IMO_Number > FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 1) _
Or IMO_Number = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 1)) 'Search for FPMS records with matching IMO number
If IMO_Number = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 1) Then
If row_first_FPMS > 0 Then
If FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_first_FPMS, 1) <> FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 1) Then
row_first_FPMS = row_FPMS 'This is the very first of the matching FPMS records
'For use later in connection with the arrays.
End If
row_first_FPMS = row_FPMS
End If
If deliveryDate_MSPS = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 5) Or deliveryDate_MSPS = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 5) - 1 Or deliveryDate_MSPS = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 5) + 1 Then
match = True
Exit Do
End If
End If
row_FPMS = row_FPMS + 1
If match = True Then
'The following array will contain the location (row) of all FPMS records matching the current MSPS record
ReDim match_Array(30)
match_Array(0) = row_FPMS
n_matches = 1
row_FPMS_lastMatch = row_FPMS
order_no_FPMS = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 4)
rowStart_FPMS = row_FPMS 'Multiple entries can exist in FPMS for a single entry in MSPS. This is the lower boundary
row_FPMS = row_FPMS + 1
Do While IMO_Number = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 1)
'The FPMS order numbers are made up of 8 ciphers: XXXXXXXN
'The 7 first ciphers are used to tie orders together. MSPS usually has a single entry for all FPMS
'entries under XXXXXXX.
If Left(order_no_FPMS, 7) = Left(FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 4), 7) And order_no_FPMS = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 4) Then
match_Array(n_matches) = row_FPMS
n_matches = n_matches + 1
row_FPMS = row_FPMS + 1
ElseIf deliveryDate_MSPS = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 5) Or deliveryDate_MSPS = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 5) - 1 Or deliveryDate_MSPS = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 5) + 1 Then
match_Array(n_matches) = row_FPMS
n_matches = n_matches + 1
row_FPMS = row_FPMS + 1
'If the next valid MSPS record is on the date after the current one, and the next FPMS record is as well, exit loop
If IMO_next_match = True And deliveryDate_MSPS_next = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(row_FPMS, 5) Then
Exit Do
End If
End If
'Upper boundary of range.
rowEnd_FPMS = row_FPMS - 1
If n_matches = 1 Then
FPMS_RawWS.Range("A" & match_Array(0), "H" & match_Array(0)).Copy
mid_ReportWS.Cells(row_midFPMS, 1).PasteSpecial
MSPS_RawWS.Range("A" & row_MSPS, "H" & row_MSPS).Copy
mid_ReportWS.Cells(row_midMSPS, 11).PasteSpecial
ElseIf n_matches > 1 Then
For I = 0 To n_matches - 1
FPMS_RawWS.Range("A" & match_Array(I), "H" & match_Array(I)).Copy
mid_ReportWS.Range("A" & row_midFPMS + I).PasteSpecial
Next I
MSPS_RawWS.Range("A" & row_MSPS, "H" & row_MSPS).Copy
mid_ReportWS.Range("K" & row_midMSPS).PasteSpecial
End If
'Next free rows in mid-report
row_midMSPS = row_midMSPS + n_matches
row_midFPMS = row_midFPMS + n_matches
'The supreme_match_Array contains the row-position of all FPMS records that have been matched with an MSPS partner
'Empty the contents of the match_Array into the supreme array.
'The match_Array is recycled for every MSPS record - not every IMO number.
I = 0
Do Until match_Array(I) = 0
supreme_match_Array(I_sup) = match_Array(I)
I_sup = I_sup + 1
I = I + 1
'When the next MSPS record has a different IMO number than the current one, check supreme_match_Array against IMO_FPMS_Pos_Array
'to find out which FPMS records have not been paired with their MSPS counterparties, and copy these to the mid-report.
If IMO_next_match = False Then
temp_FPMS_Row = row_first_FPMS
IMO_matches = 0
'Find position of all FPMS records with matching IMO, and save this
Do While IMO_Number = FPMS_RawWS.Cells(temp_FPMS_Row, 1)
IMO_matches = IMO_matches + 1
IMO_FPMS_Pos_Array(IMO_matches - 1) = temp_FPMS_Row
temp_FPMS_Row = temp_FPMS_Row + 1
supreme_Size = 0
Do While supreme_match_Array(supreme_Size) > 0 'Find size of array
supreme_Size = supreme_Size + 1
For I = 0 To IMO_matches - 1
For I_sup = 0 To supreme_Size - 1
If IMO_FPMS_Pos_Array(I) = supreme_match_Array(I_sup) Then
IMO_FPMS_Pos_Array(I) = 0
GoTo NextIteration_I
End If
Next I_sup
Next I
For I = 0 To IMO_matches - 1
If IMO_FPMS_Pos_Array(I) > 0 Then
FPMS_RawWS.Range("A" & IMO_FPMS_Pos_Array(I), "H" & IMO_FPMS_Pos_Array(I)).Copy
mid_ReportWS.Cells(row_midFPMS, 1).PasteSpecial
mid_ReportWS.Cells(row_midFPMS, 9).Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=mid_ReportWS.Cells(row_midFPMS, 9), Address:="", SubAddress:= _
"'MSPS Raw'!A" & row_MSPS & ":R" & row_MSPS, TextToDisplay:="FPMS missing MSPS counter."
' Cells(row_midFPMS, 9).Select
' ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:= _
' "'MSPS Raw'!A" & row_MSPS & ":R" & row_MSPS, TextToDisplay:="FPMS missing MSPS counter."
row_midFPMS = row_midFPMS + 1
FPMS_noMatches = True
End If
Next I
If FPMS_noMatches = True Then
'Next free rows in mid-report
row_midMSPS = row_midFPMS
FPMS_noMatches = False
End If
'The supreme array should be purged since we are moving on to another IMO-number
ReDim supreme_match_Array(30)
I_sup = 0
End If
ElseIf quantity_MSPS = True Then
Sheets("MSPS Raw").Activate
Range("A" & row_MSPS, "H" & row_MSPS).Copy
Cells(row_midMSPS, 11).Select
'Cells(row_midMSPS, 9) = "MSPS missing partner."
Cells(row_midMSPS, 9).Select
ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Selection, Address:="", SubAddress:= _
"'FPMS Raw'!A" & row_FPMS_lastMatch & ":R" & row_FPMS_lastMatch, TextToDisplay:="MSPS missing partner."
row_midMSPS = row_midMSPS + 1
row_midFPMS = row_midFPMS + 1
row_FPMS = row_FPMS_lastMatch + 1
End If 'Match check
End If 'Date check
End If 'Quantity > 0 check
End If 'Error 40: Stock Update
End If 'Date format check
row_MSPS = row_MSPS + 1
End Sub
编辑:更改数据集的大小没有任何区别。它仍然只能在崩溃之前协调 5-7 行,无论数据集总共包含超过 6000 行,还是总共只有 200 行。