Hello World
4, 3, 2
3, 4, 2
2, 3, 4
Change the World
5, 3, 9
3, 9, 5
Save the World
1, 2, 3
Open File
Read the First Line
If the current-line[0] is Letter then:
parse the current Line
save the parsed to a Word list
Go to the next line
If the current-line[0] is a Number then:
parse the current Line
save the parsed line in a list
read the next line
If the next line has another number then:
parse line
save it to the previous parsed-line list
#Keep Checking if the next line begins with a number
#if it doesn't and the next line begins with a letter go back up to the previous statement
我的问题:如何告诉 python 检查下一行而不离开当前行,然后检查下一行应该转到哪个“if”语句?
def parse():
return parse
txtopen = open("txt","r")
line = txtopen.readline()
while line:
if line[0] is not between 0 or 9::
parse = parse(line)
if line[0] in between 0 and 9:
parse = parse(line)
list = list.extend(parse)
This is where i cant figure out how to read the next line and check
finallist = list.append(list)
line = txtopen.readline()
wordList : ["Hello Word", "Change the World", "Save the World"]
numberList : [[4,3,2,3,4,2,2,3,4],[5,3,9,3,9,5],[1,2,3]]