I'm trying to create a form that displays current service information for a user on their profile and then allows them to select a check box for one or more services they provide and then hit a delete button to remove the service(s) related to the check box. Each service has a unique ID and so I'm assuming I need to use this so that the query knows what to delete.
Here is relevant code and the form I am using:
if (isset($_POST['OddJobName']) && isset($_POST['Description']) && isset($_POST['DaysAvailable']) && empty($errors) === true){//if (empty($_POST) === false && empty($errors) === true) { //if (isset(empty($_POST['OddJobName'])) && isset(empty($_POST['Description'])) && isset(empty($_POST['DaysAvailable'])) === false && empty($errors) === true)
foreach ($_POST['DaysAvailable'] as $value)
$daysavailable .=$value." ";
$Delete_Oddjob = array (
'MemberID' => $MemberID,
'OddJobID' => $_POST['OddJobID'],
'OddJobName' => $_POST['OddJobName'],
'Description' => $_POST['Description'],
'DaysAvailable' => $daysavailable,
Delete_Oddjob ($Delete_Oddjob);
header('Location: member.php?username='.$username);
exit ();
} else if (empty($errors) === false){
//otherwise output errors
echo output_errors($errors);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `oddjob` WHERE `MemberID` = $MemberID");
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
echo"<table width='100%' border='1' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5'>
<td width='50%'>
<table width='100%' cellspacing='17' cellpadding='0'>
<form action='' method ='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>
<input type='hidden' name='MemberID' id='MemberID' value= ". $MemberID .">
<input type='hidden' name='OddJobID' id='OddJobID' value= ". $row['OddJobID'] .">
<td width='35%'>
<p>Name of OddJob*:</p>
<input type='text' name='OddJobID' style='width:180px' value= ". $row['OddJobID'].">
<td width='35%'>
<p>Name of OddJob*:</p>
<input type='text' name='OddJobName' style='width:180px' value= ". $row['OddJobName'].">
<div class='expandingArea'>
<textarea name='Description'>". $row['Description'] ."</textarea>
<p>Days Available(current week)*:</p>
<p>(hold Ctrl to select multiple)</p>
<select name='DaysAvailable[]' size='5' multiple='multiple' id='DaysAvailable[]'>
<option value='Monday'>Monday</option>
<option value='Tuesday'>Tuesday</option>
<option value='Wednesday'>Wednesday</option>
<option value='Thursday'>Thursday</option>
<option value='Friday'>Friday</option>
<option value='Saturday'>Saturday</option>
<option value='Sunday'>Sunday</option>
<input type='checkbox' name='Delete' value= ". $row['OddJobID'] .">
<input type='submit' name='Delete' value='Delete'>
</form> ";
function Delete_Oddjob ($Delete_Oddjob){
//global $Add_Oddjob;
array_walk($Delete_Oddjob, 'array_sanitize');
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `oddjob` WHERE `OddJobID` = '".$_POST['OddJobID']."'") or die (mysql_error());
I don't understand how to make this work. At the moment when I select a check box and click the delete button the page seems to refresh but nothing else happens. Also If i try to echo out the query nothing is displayed.
echo "DELETE FROM `oddjob` WHERE `OddJobID` = '".$_POST['OddJobID']."'";
Any help would be great. Thank you.