I have written a simple code to check the use of service .

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {

    Log.d("msg","Service Started");

    if(intent == null)
    Log.w("msg","Service Intent NULL");

    g = (GlobalVar) getApplicationContext();

    try {
        Thread thread = new Thread(new Job());

    } catch (Exception ex) {
        Log.e("msg", ex.getMessage());

    return START_STICKY;

There are two buttons in my activity. One button starts the service using startService(Intent intent) method and other one stops it using stopService(Intent intent) method. 1. I pressed the startButton and the msg Service Started is printed in Logcat. Intent will not be null this time. 2. Now , I go to Emulator's Settings>Applications>Running Services and locate my service and stop it. The msg Service Stopped is printed in the Logcat which I have written in the onDestroy() method of the service.

Here is the part which I don't understand.

The Android System restarts the service itself after some seconds and this time the msg Service Started is not printed. The documentation states that intent will be null. BUT the msg Service Intent NULL is also not printed.

How do I know that android system restarts the service?

I have printed some messages in the Thread that my service starts . Those msgs start printing automatically in the logcat after few seconds of stopping the service from the emulator settings.

Any ideas why those LogCat messages are NOT being printed ?


1 回答 1



Log.e:这是为了当坏事发生时。在 catch 语句内部等位置使用此标签。您知道并且发生了错误,因此您正在记录错误。




Log.v:当你想对你的日志完全疯狂时使用它。如果出于某种原因您决定在应用程序的特定部分记录每一件小事,请使用 Log.v 标记。并参考这里


于 2013-04-16T05:00:29.840 回答