I am trying to understand MarchingCube algorithm: My previous question was this. Now I am stuck in one function where the node ( which holds each grid of whole cube in linked list kind of structure) is inserted. I can understand the first few line of the code but, when I look at the code I find some part of the code redundant.
NODE *Insert(NODE *listset, NODE *tmpNode) {
1 NODE *temp;
3 if(listset == NULL) return tmpNode;
4 else {
5 tmpNode->next = listset->next;
6 listset->next = tmpNode;
7 return listset;
8 }
9 temp = listset;
10 if(temp->next == NULL) {
11 if(temp->depth > tmpNode->depth) temp->next = tmpNode;
12 else {
13 tmpNode->next = temp;
14 listset = tmpNode;
15 }
16 return listset;
17 }
18 while(temp->next != NULL) {
19 if(temp->next->depth > tmpNode->depth) temp = temp->next;
20 else {
21 tmpNode->next = temp->next;
22 temp->next = tmpNode;
23 return listset;
24 }
25 }
26 temp->next = tmpNode;
27 return listset;
In this function from 1 to 8 perfectly makes sense ( its just inserting new node to its end). How could code ever reach after that point (I mean code from 9-27) ?? Is it even necessary??
Can anyone please explain what is going in the part 9-27.