并使用SecureString(char*, int)
// somehow, we come into posession of an IntPtr to a string
// obviously, this would be a foolish way to come into it in
// production, since stringOriginalContents is already in managed
// code, and the lifetime can therefore not be guaranteed...
var stringOriginalContents = "foobar";
IntPtr strPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(stringOriginalContents);
int strLen = stringOriginalContents.Length;
int maxLen = 100;
// we copy the IntPtr to a SecureString, and zero out the old location
SecureString ssNew;
char* strUPtr = (char*)strPtr;
// if we don't know the length, calculate
//for (strLen = 0; *(strUPtr + strLen) != '\0'
// // stop if the string is invalid
// && strLen < maxLen; strLen++)
// ;
ssNew = new SecureString((char*)strPtr, strLen);
// zero out the old memory and release, or use a Zero Free method
//for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++)
// *(strUPtr + i) = '\0';
// (only do one of these)
// now the securestring has the protected data, and the old memory has been
// zeroed, we can check that the securestring is correct. This, also should
// not be in production code.
string strInSecureString =
Assert.AreEqual(strInSecureString, stringOriginalContents);