I have developed an app that prints receipts to a Bluetooth printer (Star Micronics).

When I execute my app on an Android tablet with 4.1 OS everything works.

When I execute my app on an Android tablet with 4.0 OS I have to re enter Bluetooth pairing password every time I want to print and the printer failed to connect although it is paired.

Is this a bug of 4.0 or I have to do something in my code?


1 回答 1


我也遇到了同样的问题!这是因为Android版本。将 Android 版本更新到 4.1 即可。您可以找到许多在线将 Android 版本从 4.0 更新到 4.1 的方法。


于 2013-05-24T19:57:24.367 回答