
if(bounding_box_collision(playerOne.x, playerOne.y, playerOne.x + 15, playerOne.y + 15,         foodx, foody, foodx + 10, foody + 10))
    cout << "Collision" << endl;
    playerOne.score += 1;
    foodx = rand() % 786;
    int foody = rand() % 586;

这是“bounding_box_collison”,我有自己的功能,但它不起作用,所以我从 allegro wiki 复制粘贴了一个http://wiki.allegro.cc/index.php?title=Bounding_Box。我仍然有同样的问题。

int bounding_box_collision(int b1_x, int b1_y, int b1_w, int b1_h, int b2_x, int b2_y, int b2_w, int b2_h)
     if ((b1_x > b2_x + b2_w - 1) || // is b1 on the right side of b2?
        (b1_y > b2_y + b2_h - 1) || // is b1 under b2?
        (b2_x > b1_x + b1_w - 1) || // is b2 on the right side of b1?
        (b2_y > b1_y + b1_h - 1))   // is b2 under b1?
    // no collision
    return false;

    // collision
    return true;

1 回答 1



例如,而不是playerOne.x + 15,您应该通过15

于 2013-04-14T13:53:51.977 回答