I don't know if this question is still in your mind, however let me give you an answer to this. In principle the first step is the same
$userCollection = $this->entityFactory->build('UserCollection');
$userCollectionMapper = $this->mapperFactory->build('UserCollection');
$user = $this->entityFactory->build('User');
So the userObject would function here as an searchObject for the collectionMapper (like teresko proposed in an older thread). Your CollectionMapper would retrieve the data from the database and i prefer to use something like
//returns new User object
$newUser = $userCollection->newUser();
//populate user object with DB entry
//add to collection
Of course there would be a loop before that looping through the found lines in the database and you would have to clear the list of user objects before adding the results.
So this is the way i would deal with the problem. Hope it helps.