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                            <br><a href="index.html">Home</a> | <a href="cast.html">Cast</a> | <a href="episodes.html">Episodes</a>
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                                            <img id="episodeimg" src="images/Next-Episode.png"/>
                                            <p style="color: white"><b>Title:</b> Home Invasion<br/><b>Date:</b> 24th April 2013</p>
                            <div id="division1">
                                <p>After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was 
                                missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered 
                                alive on a remote island in the Pacific. When he returns home to 
                                Starling City, his devoted mother Moira, much-beloved sister Thea, 
                                and best friend Tommy welcome him home, but they sense Oliver has 
                                been changed by his ordeal on the island. While Oliver hides the 
                                truth about the man he's become, he desperately wants to make amends 
                                for the actions he took as the boy he was. Most particularly, he 
                                seeks reconciliation with his former girlfriend, Laurel Lance.</p><br/>

                                <p>As Oliver reconnects with those closest to him, he secretly creates 
                                the persona of Arrow a vigilante to right the wrongs of his family, 
                                fight the ills of society and restore Starling City to its former glory. 
                                By day, Oliver plays the role of a wealthy, carefree and careless 
                                philanderer he used to be - flanked by his devoted chauffeur/bodyguard, 
                                John Diggle - while carefully concealing the secret identity he turns 
                                to under the cover of darkness. However, Laurel's father, Detective 
                                Quentin Lance, is determined to arrest the vigilante operating in his 
                                city. Meanwhile, Oliver's own mother, Moira, knows much more about the 
                                deadly shipwreck than she has let on and is more ruthless than he 
                                could ever imagine.</p><br/>

                                <p style="font-size: 20px"><b>I n t r o d u c t i o n</b></p><br/>

                                <p>At the beginning of each episode, with the exception of "Pilot", the 
                                first episode of the series, a voiceover of Oliver Queen describes 
                                briefly the hardships that Oliver faced on Lian Yu. He states that 
                                as he returned, he set out to fulfill his father's dying wish.</p><br/>

                                <p>"My name is Oliver Queen. For five years I was stranded on an 
                                island with only one goal: survive. Now I will fulfill my father's 
                                dying wish. To use the list of names he left me and bring down those 
                                who are poisoning my city. To do this, I must become someone else. 
                                I must become... something else."</p>

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                                    <p><br/><br/>Most of the information about this Tv-Show is taken from <a href="http://http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2193021/?ref_=sr_1" target="new">IMDB.COM</a></p>
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1 回答 1



下一部分是使用 use width: 85%on #content。这限制并推动了 facebook 的整合。请考虑将其设置为 100%。这将使 facebook 框浮动到文本的右侧。

有许多不同的方式来布局和定位元素,这可能不是最佳解决方案,这些更改应该使它在缩放时不会移动(在 chrome 中测试)。

您可能还需要考虑其他一些事情。尝试在http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/验证 css,它会指出一些错误。

于 2013-04-13T16:56:59.250 回答