What I Want: Very simply I have a C program that generates a variable periodically, I want to be able to display this value on a website.

Restrictions: The webpage is HTML, php does not work, javascript does [I have tried a few javascript solutions but they have all been long, tedious and in the end ineffective] I want it to be able to format the text so that it matches the rest of the webpage. Above all I'd really like to find something simple that works.

Freedoms: I can output the variable from my C program to just about any file type and content that I want, the file is hosted so is available locally to the server or online for the client.

Preferred Solutions: I am currently playing around with the object and iframe tags native to html. They give a nice simple input:

<object height=20 width=75 type='text/plain' border=0 data="URL/filename.txt"></object>

inserts the contents of my file, but it can't be formatted so I am stuck with 12pt Courier font which is not acceptable. Using

<iframe seamless height=20 width=75 scrolling='no' src="URL/filename.htm"></iframe>

and adding my desired font/colour/size etc to the htm file gets me the right text style, but htm has a large amount of white padding around it which I can't seem to get rid of so I have to make my iframe quite large for the text to be displayed, but then it doesn't fit smoothly with other text.

So anyone that can answer one of four questions:

  • How to remove excess padding from htm
  • How to format the style of a html object
  • Is there anything in Java as simple as the php [so apparently it doesn't show php code even when you quote it as code. But basically using echo and get_file_contents to insert the contents of a txt file into a html page]
  • Propose an alternate solution

4 回答 4


你需要 AJAX ......这只是一个花哨的流行语。这意味着您可以告诉 JavaScript 无需重新加载页面即可从服务器获取文件,并且您可以将该文件中的数据插入到 HTML 中。

通过使用像jQuery这样的 JavaScript 库,AJAX 变得更加简单,但它可以在没有 jQuery 的情况下完成。如果你想用困难的方式来做的话,在 Mozilla 开发者网络上有一个相当不错的入门教程,但我真的推荐 jQuery。

至于格式化......任何格式化......你需要使用CSS。几乎所有关于网页上任何内容的外观都由 CSS 控制。MDN 也有一个学习 CSS部分。

于 2013-04-13T16:06:12.887 回答


java我假设您的意思是javascript- google-ing 会帮助您。如果没有关于您的服务器正在运行什么以及正在分派您的页面的详细信息,我们无法给您一个准确的答案。您可能希望使用ajax来保持它在后台更新。


于 2013-04-13T15:51:20.453 回答


  • 在您的页面上创建一个隐藏的 div
  • 让您的 C 应用程序将变量写入某个文件
  • 使用 jquery 执行 ajax 调用以将该值拉入 div (或您要使用的任何其他容器
  • 使用某种类型的计时器,每隔 X 时间段执行一次 ajax 调用,这将获得最新的变量
  • 在您的主页上,有另一个计时器,然后该计时器将进入该容器,获取您的价值,然后您可以自由地用它做您想做的事。


于 2013-04-13T15:57:19.490 回答
  1. 在你的主 html 文件上加载 jquery
  2. 放置一个带有一些 id 的 div(例如 id="newvalue")
  3. 让你的 c 程序将输出写入文件(例如 value.html)
  4. 在主 html 页面标题上,在 jquery 包含代码之后添加一些 javascript

    $( 文档 ).ready(function() { $("#newvalue").load('yoursiteurl/value.html'); });

于 2013-04-13T15:56:36.947 回答