我是 .Net 开发的新手,我想使用 WCF Web 服务创建一个 3 层 C# Web 应用程序(可能是前端的 MVC)来更新数据库。是否有适用于此类应用程序的 Visual Studio Express 2012 模板项目?它似乎是一种常见的架构,我很惊讶我找不到模板或示例,尽管我找到了几个可以完成其中一部分的示例。由于我是新手,不知道要搜索什么,我只是想确保我没有忽略一些可以加快我努力的事情。



1 回答 1


You need to create your solution to have two project to make this work. There isn't a default project that is automatically hooked up for this scenario. First you would want to select a new project >> ASP.NET MVC X Application. Once the project is created you can right click on the solution and and a new project. Add a new WCF service application. This way you have two projects in your solution. One for the front end and one for the middle tier. You can use the entity framework alongside your middle tier project to create an easy to use data model.

于 2013-04-13T16:21:48.007 回答