C# 和 F# 对默认(或可选)参数有不同的实现。

在 C# 语言中,当您向参数添加默认值时,您不会更改其基础类型(我的意思是参数的类型)。实际上,C# 中的可选参数是一种轻量级的语法糖:

class CSharpOptionalArgs
  public static void Foo(int n = 0) {}

// Somewhere in the call site

// Call to Foo() will be transformed by C# compiler
// *at compile time* to something like:
const int nArg = GetFoosDefaultArgFromTheMetadata();

但 F# 以不同的方式实现此功能。与 C# 不同,F# 可选参数在被调用者站点而不是在调用者站点解析:

type FSharpOptionalArgs() =
    static let defaultValue() = 42

    static member public Foo(?xArg) =
        // Callee site decides what value to use if caller does not specifies it
        let x = defaultArg xArg (defaultValue())
        printfn "x is %d" x

这种实现是绝对合理的,而且功能更强大。C# 可选参数仅限于编译时常量(因为可选参数存储在程序集元数据中)。在 F# 中,默认值可能不太明显,但我们可以使用任意表达式作为默认值。到目前为止,一切都很好。

由 F# 编译器转换Microsoft.FSharp.Core.FSharpOption<'a>引用类型的 F# 可选参数。这意味着在 F# 中对带有可选参数的方法的每次调用都将导致在托管头部进行额外分配,并将导致垃圾收集压力

// This call will NOT lead to additional heap allocation!
// But this one will do!


这个实现对我来说真的很奇怪。但也许有一些规则库开发人员应该避免使用此功能,或者 F# 团队将在 F# 的未来版本中更改此行为?


type FSharpOptionalArgumentTests() =

    static member public Foo(?xArg) =
        // Callee site decides what value to use if caller does not specifies it
        let x = defaultArg xArg 42

    member public this.``Optional argument is a reference type``() =
        let pi = this.GetType().GetMethod("Foo").GetParameters() |> Seq.last

        // Actually every optional parameter in F# is a reference type!!
        pi.ParameterType |> should not' (equal typeof<int>)
        pi.ParameterType.IsValueType |> should be False

2 回答 2


Because nobody in F# team is not interesting yet in compiling "simple", Option-like discriminated unions as value types, supporting pattern-matching over such unions and so on :)

Remember, tuples types are heavly used in functional languages like F# (much more than default arguments), but still implemented in CLR as refererence types - nobody cares about memory allocation and functional_languages-specific GC tweaks.

于 2013-04-13T19:43:48.507 回答

F# 4.1 具有 C# 可选属性兼容性。但是,如果您正在开发 F# 也将使用的功能,那么您应该使用常规语法:

member this.M (?i : int) = let iv = defaultArg i 12 iv + 1

F# 4.1 可选参数文档: https ://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/members/methods

于 2017-07-30T13:47:03.457 回答