在编写自己的小型发现程序以清除 Visual C++ 如何为动态数组分配内存时,我感到有些困惑。我必须指出,我从未遇到过技术文档描述了任何 C++ 实现的 new[]/delete[] 运算符的这个问题。

最初我认为如果将 new[] 和 delete[] 解释为简单的 C,则类似于以下内容:

void fake_int_ctor(int _this) {
    printf("borns with 0x%08X in the heap\n", _this);

void fake_int_dtor(int _this) {
    printf("dies with %d\n", _this);

void *new_array(unsigned int single_item_size, unsigned int count, void (*ctor)()) {
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int *p = malloc(sizeof(single_item_size) + sizeof(count) + single_item_size * count);
    p[0] = single_item_size; // keep single item size for delete_array
    p[1] = count; // and then keep items count for delete_array
    p += 2;
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        ctor(p[i]); // simulate constructor calling
    return p;

void delete_array(void *p, void (*dtor)()) {
    unsigned int *casted_p = p;
    unsigned int single_item_size = casted_p[-2];
    unsigned int count = casted_p[-1];
    unsigned int i;
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        dtor(casted_p[i]); // simulate destructor
    free(casted_p - 2);

void test_allocators(void) {
    unsigned int count = 10;
    unsigned int i;
    int *p = new_array(sizeof(int), count, fake_int_ctor); // allocate 10 ints and simulate constructors
    for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
        p[i] = i + i; // do something
    delete_array(p, fake_int_dtor); // deletes the array printing death-agony-values from 0 to 19 stepping 2


^   ^   ^
|   |   +-- start of user data, slots may have variable size
|   |       depending on "single item size" slot
|   +------ "items count" slot
+---------- "single item size" slot

我的 VC++ 编译器生成了产生以下输出的程序:

borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
borns with 0xCDCDCDCD in the heap
dies with 0
dies with 2
dies with 4
dies with 6
dies with 8
dies with 10
dies with 12
dies with 14
dies with 16
dies with 18

显然,在这种情况下一切都很好。但是现在当我试图发现“本机”VC++ 动态数组分配器的本质时,我明白我错了(至少对于 VC++)。所以我有几个问题。动态数组大小的值存储在哪里?动态数组分配器如何工作?他们将哪种逐字节结构用于动态数组?或者...或者您能否提供任何可以为我澄清这一点的链接(VC++ 具有最高优先级),好吗?


4 回答 4


它是实现定义的。Scott meyer 还指出,实际上许多 C++ 编译器会在返回地址之前保存元素的数量。我已经检查过 VC2010 和 g++ 3.4.2(mingw)。两个编译器都以这种方式实现 operator new[]/delete[]:

| Num of elems(4byte)|  Your Object or Array   |

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct X {
    int i;
    ~X() {
int main()
    volatile int s = 3;
    printf("input a size: ");
    scanf("%d", &s);
    X * px = reinterpret_cast<X *>(new X[s]);
    printf("%d\n", *( (int*)px - 1));
    delete[] px;
    return 0;

我遵循了 VC2010 中的汇编指令,只要您使用调试符号编译代码,这并不难阅读:

cl /MTd /Zi array_test.cpp

请注意 fflush 的目的是确保在您实际输入尺寸并按 Enter 之前将“输入尺寸:”输出到屏幕上。

使用 scanf 获取大小有两个原因: 1. 让您有机会将进程附加到 VS 调试器 2. 确保大小不会被优化为立即值。



        X * px = reinterpret_cast<X *>(new X[s]);      ; assume s = 5
00401070  mov         ecx,dword ptr [s]            ; the number of element is saved to ecx
00401073  mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],ecx      ; save it to somewhere on the stack
00401076  xor         ecx,ecx  
00401078  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch]      ; trace it! now it's in eax
0040107B  mov         edx,4                        ; because sizeof(X) == 4
00401080  mul         eax,edx                      ; Get the total bytes needed for the whole array
00401082  seto        cl                           ; handle the scenario: big size which overflow
00401085  neg         ecx                          ; typically not, so cl = 0, and ecx = 0
00401087  or          ecx,eax                      ; now ecx = eax = 4 * 5 = 20
00401089  xor         eax,eax                      ; clear eax, now eax = 0
0040108B  add         ecx,4                        ; add 4 to ecx, why 4? for save the overhead array size
0040108E  setb        al                           ; set al to 1 if carry flag is set, typically 0
00401091  neg         eax                          ; eax = 0, neg eax also result 0
00401093  or          eax,ecx                      ; eax = ecx = 24
00401095  push        eax                          ;
00401096  call        operator new (40122Ch)       ; same as scalar new
0040109B  add         esp,4                        ; balance the stack
0040109E  mov         dword ptr [ebp-10h],eax      ; function's return value typically saved in EAX
                                                   ; [ebp-10h] is somewhere on stack, used to save the
                                                   ; returned raw memory pointer
004010A1  cmp         dword ptr [ebp-10h],0        ; check whether returned NULL pointer
004010A5  je          main+8Ah (4010BAh)  
004010A7  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-10h]      ; now ECX point to 24 bytes raw memory
004010AA  mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch]      ; Check address 00401073, edx is 5 now
004010AD  mov         dword ptr [ecx],edx          ; !!!! 5 saved to the start of the 24 bytes raw memory
004010AF  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-10h]      ; load start address of the 24 raw memory to EAX
004010B2  add         eax,4                        ; advance the EAX with 4 bytes, now EAX point to the
                                                   ; start address of your first object in the array
004010B5  mov         dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],eax      ; Save this address to somewhere on the stack
004010B8  jmp         main+91h (4010C1h)           ; not NULL pointer, so skip it
004010BA  mov         dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],0        ; See address 004010A5
004010C1  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-1Ch]      ; Load the address to ECX
004010C4  mov         dword ptr [px],ecx           ; Load the address in ECX to px. -The End-

删除 [] 部分:

        delete[] px;
004010DC  mov         ecx,dword ptr [px]                         ; the address of the first object
004010DF  mov         dword ptr [ebp-18h],ecx                    ; save to somewhereon the stack
004010E2  mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-18h]                    ; save it again to edx
004010E5  mov         dword ptr [ebp-14h],edx                    ; move around
004010E8  cmp         dword ptr [ebp-14h],0                      ; Check NULL pointer
004010EC  je          main+0CDh (4010FDh)  
004010EE  push        3                                          ; Looks silly, just because I init it to 3?
004010F0  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-14h]                    ; again, ECX is just the address of first object
                                                                 ; [px] -> ecx -> [ebp-18h] -> edx -> [ebp-14h] -> ecx
004010F3  call        X::`vector deleting destructor' (401014h)  ; A good function name, lets follow it!
    X::`vector deleting destructor':
00401014  jmp         X::`vector deleting destructor' (401140h) 
X::`vector deleting destructor':
00401140  push        ebp  
00401141  mov         ebp,esp  
00401143  push        ecx                                          ; Address of the first object
00401144  mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx                        ; save it to somewhere on stack
00401147  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp+8]                        ; See address 004010EE, it's 3
0040114A  and         eax,2                                        ; ??
0040114D  je          X::`vector deleting destructor'+45h (401185h)  
0040114F  push        offset X::~X (401005h)                       ; (S1) Put address of the descructor to stack
00401154  mov         ecx,dword ptr [this]                         ; Address of first object
00401157  mov         edx,dword ptr [ecx-4]                        ; !! important, ECX - 4 to get the
                                                                   ; address of the 24-bytes raw memory
                                                                   ; The value in it is the number of the elements
                                                                   ; Save it to EDX(=5, see 004010AD)
0040115A  push        edx                                          ; (S2) Put it on stack
0040115B  push        4                                            ; (S3) Put the sizeof(X) on stack
0040115D  mov         eax,dword ptr [this]                         ; save the address of the first object to EAX
00401160  push        eax                                          ; (S4) Put it on stack
00401161  call        `vector destructor iterator' (40100Ah)       ; Good function name, follow it
`vector destructor iterator':
0040100A  jmp         `vector destructor iterator' (4011F0h) 
`vector destructor iterator':
004011F0  push        ebp  
004011F1  mov         ebp,esp  
004011F3  mov         eax,dword ptr [__s]                          ; Some tricks here, by inspecting the value and
                                                                   ; some guess work, __s = 4(S3)
004011F6  imul        eax,dword ptr [__n]                          ; __n = 5 (S2)
004011FA  add         eax,dword ptr [__t]                          ; __t = (S4), add it to EAX, now point to end
                                                                   ; of the array
004011FD  mov         dword ptr [__t],eax                          ; __t point to end of array
00401200  mov         ecx,dword ptr [__n]                          ; loop counter
00401203  sub         ecx,1  
00401206  mov         dword ptr [__n],ecx  
00401209  js          `vector destructor iterator'+2Ch (40121Ch)   ; jump out of loop if value less than 0
0040120B  mov         edx,dword ptr [__t]                          ; Load addr: 1-byte passed the end of the array
0040120E  sub         edx,dword ptr [__s]                          ; Now point to the address of last element
00401211  mov         dword ptr [__t],edx                          ; Update this address to __t
00401214  mov         ecx,dword ptr [__t]                          ; save the address to ECX
00401217  call        dword ptr [__f]                              ; __f is the address of destructor function
0040121A  jmp         `vector destructor iterator'+10h (401200h)  
0040121C  pop         ebp  
0040121D  ret         10h                                          ; Because we have S1, S2, S3, S4
                                                                   ; 4 pushes

struct X {
    int i;
    ~X() {
004011D0  push        ebp  
004011D1  mov         ebp,esp  
004011D3  push        ecx                                          ; the address of current object: this in C++
004011D4  mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx                        ; save this to [ebp-4], although not used it
        puts("a");                                                 ;
004011D7  push        offset string "a" (403758h)  
004011DC  call        dword ptr [__imp__puts (406240h)]  
004011E2  add         esp,4  
004011E5  mov         esp,ebp  
004011E7  pop         ebp  
004011E8  ret  
于 2012-04-18T15:46:07.433 回答


void fake_int_ctor(int& _this) {
    printf("born at %p\n", (void*)&_this);

void fake_int_dtor(int& _this) {
    printf("dies at %p\n", (void*)&_this);


这个小程序并没有真正显示任何内容,因为您只是分配了一块连续存储 (ala malloc) 并打印出地址范围。那里没有什么真正令人惊讶的。数组的实际存储是实现定义的。唯一可以保证的是,当您执行类似, 的操作时C *p = new C[10]p将指向足够的连续存储空间来存储 10 个C对象。环境如何跟踪分配的内容,以便delete [] p为每个分配的元素调用析构函数是完全实现定义的。


struct C {
  C(): x(0) {}
  int x;

int main() {
  C *p = new C[10];
  for (int i=0; i<10; ++i) {
    p[i].x = i;
  delete [] p;
  return 0;


于 2009-10-21T04:46:36.393 回答



但是说你在正确的线上,你通常会有更多的信息,比如块的实际大小(如果没有找到精确的匹配)有时会有一个结束块链接回起始块,这样你就可以向后跟随链. ETC...

于 2009-10-21T04:36:03.843 回答

与您分享一些信息,虽然它是关于 GNU C/++,但许多 C/C++ 编译器有一些彼此相似的东西:

当执行 new() 实现代码(确切地说是 lib 代码)以分配动态对象或数组时。放置对象和数组的分配内存是lib代码实际使用的内存缓冲区的一部分,结构如下图所示:

| Overhead    Area   |  Your Object or Array   |
  CObject *pArray ---+

当然你只会使用右边的区域,而不能覆盖左边的区域,即开销。"new CObject[]" 返回的 pArray 指向正确的区域(如上图所示),因此一般用户不会注意到 Overhead(同样,用户无法使用 Overhead 区域)。

动态分配数组的大小存储在开销区域中。当调用 delete[] 时,lib 代码会从 Overhead 区域的信息中知道数组大小。


如果您使用低级 malloc()/free()/brk() 等来实现 new() 和 delete(),您可以保留一个开销区域并将随后的正确可用区域也返回给用户,就像 GNU C /++。

于 2009-10-21T12:28:54.793 回答