我尝试使用Android Runtime For BlackBerry打包项目我做了所有的事情 - 模拟器,ADT- for eclipse ..当我测试应用程序时,我收到了这个错误:

[2013-04-13 13:16:04 - BlackBerryTest] Packaging project BlackBerryTest
[2013-04-13 13:16:11 - BlackBerryTest] Launching BlackBerry Android Runtime...
[2013-04-13 13:16:20 - BlackBerryTest] Connecting to ADB...
[2013-04-13 13:17:23 - BlackBerryTest] Status ERROR: net.rim.ajde code=4 Connecting to ADB failed!   null children=[Status ERROR: net.rim.ajde code=0 Please check if the Android player was fully started when you got this error. If not, you can either increase the Android player launch timeout on the BlackBerry->BlackBerry Android Development Tools preference page or wait until the Android player is fully started and try again. null]

在模拟器中有包含黑莓 10 徽标的初始屏幕开始大约 2 秒然后关闭和 eclipse 仍然连接到 ADB...大约一分钟然后我得到错误连接。


更新 :



04-25 12:01:15.539: I/navigatorshell(17789061): no app URI, just launch AP and exit

任何想法 ?


1 回答 1


这通常是由于 Android 运行时需要很长时间才能加载,并且在某些情况下,实际上从未加载过。

根本原因是模拟器运行非常缓慢。如果您还没有,请在您的 BIOS 中启用虚拟化,这会对模拟器性能产生巨大影响,并为我解决了这个问题。

这里有一个关于这个的视频:http: //devblog.blackberry.com/2012/08/performance-increase-blackberry-10-simulator/

于 2013-04-16T23:26:11.760 回答