Environment: 64 bit Windows 8

Platform: Visual Studio 2012, SQL server 2012, IIS8

Language: C#

I'm currently creating an asp.net web application using a tutorial from msdn. The site runs fine and is visible in google chrome when I select the run button. I published the website to a folder on my desktop and am attempting to host it through IIS. The main issue I am having is trying to figure out the full computer name so I can update my connection strings in the web.cong.

The connection string is as follows:

connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb\v11.0);"

When I try to browse the website in IIS I get a database error because I'm not defining the full machine name in the datasource attribute. I'm in a workgroup and am not on a domain. Also I can't log into sql server with just my ip address. I can only log into sql server with (LocalDb)\v11.0.

Can anyone help me find a way to determine what the value of my data source should be so I can possibly hit the website externally? Has anyone run into this problem on a home pc without a domain? I have done this on my work computer many times but have never tried to host anything from IIS on my home computer.


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