我希望有人可以帮助我。我可以将我的 windows 7 机器和 Eclipse 成功连接到我的 nexus 7。我丢失了我的平板电脑,我买了新的,但现在我的 windows 机器甚至无法将它识别为外部设备,我的 Eclipse 也不能工作有了它。Windows 7 是否将 USB ID 保留在某处?我应该重新安装一些东西吗?感谢您的帮助。


2 回答 2


确保您启用了 USB 调试。

打开设备管理器。您是否看到 ADB 设备的选项卡?你在名单上的任何地方看到你的N7吗?

如果没有,请在平板电脑上进入并将 PC 连接模式更改为未打开的模式。然后再试一次。

我的 N7 也有问题,它只有在设置为某种连接类型时才会连接。

于 2013-04-12T19:04:06.780 回答

I have found that if Eclipse is not installed on the computer, the computer is able to see multiple Nexus 7 tablets as MTP devices. However, for computers that have Eclipse installed on them they can only see the first Nexus 7 tablet connected to them as an MTP device. All other tablets connected to the computer are seen as an unspecified device. It seems like Eclipse is storing a unique identifier from the first tablet associated with it. The only way I can get apps built in Eclipse onto my other Nexus 7 tablets is to change the usb connection to PTP (not MTP) and then my windows 7 computer sees my tablet as a camera and I can move the .apk file over to the tablet. Is this how it's suppose to work?

于 2013-07-15T17:34:26.343 回答