I found the following piece of code in the internet , while searching for good FIFO design. From the linkSVN Code FIFO -Author Clifford E. Cummings . I did some research , I was not able to figure out why there are three pointers in the design ?I can read the code but what am I missing ?
module sync_r2w #(parameter ADDRSIZE = 4)
(output reg [ADDRSIZE:0] wq2_rptr,
input [ADDRSIZE:0] rptr,
input wclk, wrst_n);
reg [ADDRSIZE:0] wq1_rptr;
always @(posedge wclk or negedge wrst_n)
if (!wrst_n) {wq2_rptr,wq1_rptr} <= 0;
else {wq2_rptr,wq1_rptr} <= {wq1_rptr,rptr};
module sync_w2r #(parameter ADDRSIZE = 4)
(output reg [ADDRSIZE:0] rq2_wptr,
input [ADDRSIZE:0] wptr,
input rclk, rrst_n);
reg [ADDRSIZE:0] rq1_wptr;
always @(posedge rclk or negedge rrst_n)
if (!rrst_n) {rq2_wptr,rq1_wptr} <= 0;
else {rq2_wptr,rq1_wptr} <= {rq1_wptr,wptr};