

2 回答 2


An easy way to do above is to make a function i.e. loadGrid() that will populate the grid, and you can call it anywhere like in button_click event or it may be the Text_Validated event.

And try to explain your question and decorate it with your code.

Welcome to Stackoverflow !

于 2013-04-12T09:47:42.473 回答

Computers don't assume anything, you have to tell it exactly what you need it to do.

You'll need to have a function somewhere in your program that takes arguments and then passes those arguments as parameters to a database. When you click your button, read the values from your gridview cell text boxes, and pass those values as arguments to your function.

Code might look something like:

public void UpdateUser(int userId, string userName, string userDescription){
   // code to update database here

public void button1_OnClick(object obj, EventArguments e)
     UpdateUser(txtBoxUserID.Content, txtBoxNewUsername.Content, txtBoxUserDescription.Content);

That code isn't going to work, it's an example off the top of my head. Although the principle behind it is how you need to approach your problem. Hope that helps.

于 2013-04-12T09:47:47.883 回答