我编写了一个基本的 angularJS + mongoLab 应用程序。获取数据的代码工作正常,在 Chrome 开发者工具中我可以看到响应为:
[ { "_id" : { "$oid" : "5166c406e4b08774fa6844a9"} , "tag" : "Software Developer"} , { "_id" : { "$oid" : "51679cbde4b05c7db8d21e70"} , "tag" : "Project Management"} ]
<li ng-repeat="tagz in tags">
'use strict';
// Define our root-level controller for the application.
function( $scope, $route, $routeParams, Tags){
// Update the rendering of the page.
var render = function(){
$scope.tags = Tags;
// Pull the "action" value out of the
// currently selected route.
var renderAction = $route.current.action;
// Also, let's update the render path so that
// we can start conditionally rendering parts
// of the page.
var renderPath = renderAction.split( "." );
// Grab the username out of the params.
// NOTE: This will be undefined for every route
// except for the "contact" route; for the sake
// of simplicity, I am not exerting any finer
// logic around it.
var username = ($routeParams.username || "");
// Reset the booleans used to set the class
// for the navigation.
var isHome = (renderPath[ 0 ] == "home");
var isFriends = (renderPath[ 0 ] == "friends");
var isContact = (renderPath[ 0 ] == "contact");
// Store the values in the model.
$scope.renderAction = renderAction;
$scope.renderPath = renderPath;
$scope.username = username;
$scope.isHome = isHome;
$scope.isFriends = isFriends;
$scope.isContact = isContact;
// Listen for changes to the Route. When the route
// changes, let's set the renderAction model value so
// that it can render in the Strong element.
function( $currentRoute, $previousRoute ){
// Update the rendering.