I know it is possible to use CounterClockwise inside Eclipse, but I have been trying to get Leiningen to work so that I could use ClojureScript.

I downloaded leiningen using git clone. It then says run the script. I have tried lein self-install from inside PowerShell and inside the git bash environment.

In each I get an error about failing to download leiningen (which I thought I had with the git clone? hmm). It is interesting because one reads instructions that include things that don't make sense to Windows.

For example, inside Powershell, Windows doesn't understand export HTTP_CLIENT. It was only inside the git bash that I got a message that it is possible my HTTP client's certificate store does not have the correct certificate authority.

It then suggests this command, which runs ok, export HTTP_CLIENT="curl --insecure -f -L -o" but it doesn't fix the problem.


2 回答 2


The most recommended method AFAIK is to download the script lein.bat and putting it on the PATH environment variable. I've tested this method on several systems (XP, Windows 7). There is no need to build leiningen from a git checkout yourself. If you have a Windows with Powershell installed lein self-install should download the core .jar file inside a directory .lein in your user directory. Else, make sure you install either wget.exe or curl.exe and put it on the PATH.

于 2013-04-12T05:50:46.367 回答

There is an installer for Leiningen on Windows. You just need to install Java SE 7 JDK and Leiningen for Windows. This page has detailed instructions with screen shots: http://leiningen-win-installer.djpowell.net/

Leiningen for Windows creates a PATH variable and Clojure REPL shortcut among other things. From the REPL you can create, build, and automate your Clojure project.

于 2013-10-15T13:50:38.963 回答